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do trajner duhet t prdor shabllonin

standard t prezantimit pr sllajde

Support to the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (KIPA)
The EU-funded project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction
Support to the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (KIPA)
The EU-funded project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction
Slide title
Text text text
e.g. List
E.g. List
Madhsia e shkronjave duhet t jet:
Titujt 36-40
Teksti 28-38
M s shumti 4-5 paragrafe
M s shumti 6-7 fjal
Prdorni m shum diagrame dhe skema, se sa
fjal dhe tabela

Secili sllajd duhet t ket titullin dhe numrin
do sllajd duhet t ket logon e UP-se
Titulli i prezantimit mund t jet n kryefaqe
ose fundfaqe
Jo m shum se tri ngjyra duhet t prdoren
pr sllajda:
1. Dy pr tekst
2. Nj pr tekst/paragraf apo numr

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