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Multimedia Tools in ELT - Second Semester of 2014 - Professor: Jairo

1. Duration: about 10 to 15 minutes
2. Find the tool and link that correspond to your presentation, study it
carefully and prepare it accordingly.
3. Each student has been assigned a topic (web page/tool)
4. You may combine the web-based tool with slides, but showing real
web-page examples is necessary
5. Students have to pay attention to their classmates presentations and
ask questions if thats the case.
6. Keep in mind that some pages are not specifically designed for
language teaching purposes, so your task is to find the way to adapt
the tool to that purpose.
7. Specify the language skill (or skills ) that the tools focus on (listening?
Speaking? Reading? Writing? Some of them? All of them? )
8. As for the pedagogical part (which is a very important factor in your
presentation), show examples or exercises. These may be contained in
the page itself, or you may create your own exercises/examples for EFL
9. If you want, you may decide to bring supplementary material to class
to be used in your presentation (recordings, charts, flashcards, sheets
of paper, etc.)
10. The presentations will start on Thursday, October 30
11. Each student will be chosen at random. However, you may want to
suggest yourself to do it at a given moment.
12. Remember that the better you work in your presentation, the highest
grade you will get. Poor presentations will result in poor grades.

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