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WKNJ Newscast

Date 31 October 2014

Good morning, its Friday, October 31st, 2014 at 11:00 oclock and youre listening to 90.3
WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and Im Michael De Man with the news.

In Local News
Issues in the school system finally resolved
This week in the local city of Woodbridge, a student was arrested under the premise of
attempting to bring weapons to the towns high school and threatening to open fire on other
students. The 17 year old student, whose name is being withheld due to his age, claimed that he
could obtain firearms of a deadly caliber, and would use them to harm his peers. After the local
police had searched his home, they found multiple weapons, including shotguns, all of which
were owned by his father. The high school student now faces charges such as weapon possession
and creating a false public alarm. There is now a heightened police presence at Woodbridge High
School to support the awareness of student safety throughout the town. There is no noted
disciplinary action for the student as of now.

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After a 108-year silence of woman activity in the firehouse, Bayonne re-opens its doors to their
newest female firefighter.

History has truly been made once again in the North Eastern New Jersey town of Bayonne after
the first woman firefighter has been hired and welcomed in for the first time in over a century.
Cai-lin Bro-del, [Kay-Lin Broh-Dell] who has lived in the town of Bayonne for quite the while
has taken up the rough, tough, and deadly position as a flame guardian by pledging to risk her
life only to help out other citizens and residents of her town. After her induction ceremony in
City Halls main chamber, she was bombarded with paparazzi, applause, and local
photographers. The fire department also inducted a total of 6 other members to the squad during
this ceremony.
Brodel stated that as she grew up, she was always inspired to see the firefighters so hard at work
saving peoples lives, and she says that she wants to do the same. Lets hope that she does
Bayonne a great honor.

In National News

A rising issue in not only the United States of America, but in every country in the world, is the
fact of mental illness and lack of treatment for it.

Throughout the country, more and more cases of schizophrenia [Skit-zho-fren-ia] have been
popping up. Many Americans are blaming strange things for this such as television, cell phones,
and even recreational drugs, but there have been studies disproving all of these. Many victims of
schizophrenia are choosing to not take prescribed medication because of four proposed reasons.
The first is lack of insight, where those suffering do not realize they are sick and may need help.
The second, unpleasant side effects, revolves around the case of health. Some of these drugs may
be helpful in the short term, but damaging in the long run. The third is a successful treatment
plan, which lays out treatment in multiple steps, with each one assisting the patient until the step
is accomplished. The fourth is fear of stigma, where the sufferer feels as if they are being
discriminated upon. All of these are deadly when it comes to having schizophrenia, and must be
dealt with promptly and effectively.

In the tri state area, Chris Christie is back at it again, except with a certain twist this time around.
While out campaigning, Christie was seen going out of his way to meet with a female colleague
of his, allegedly to discuss political banter. Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico and the
New Jerseyan governor seem to be very close, as this is now the second time where he has went
to the opposite side of the country to speak with someone.
According to Christie, him and Martinez see political standpoints on similar levels, pointing at
the fact that if Christie decided to run in the 2016 presidential election, that he would in fact
choose Martinez as his running mate and hopeful vice president. Throughout all of their
conversations, Martinez most recently noted working with a democratically run state in New
Mexico, which seems to be another reason why her and Christie see eye to eye.

A list has been shuffling around the internet claiming five reasons as to why the police chief of
Ferguson, Missouri isnt doing too well. One of the main reasons of this is because of a video
that was released after the death of teenager Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren
Wilson. The video, which was released after Browns death, shows him robbing a store,
however this was not noted until six days after. Another significant reason is the massive amount
of protesting going on. As more and more people take the streets of Ferguson, the police chief
sinks deeper into hot water.

In International News
Antares, the most recent NASA spacecraft, has been said to have been tampered with as it lifted
off and eventually exploded before entering orbit. Experts state that there was a self destruction
button used in the process of the spacecraft launching because of the fact that NASA knew as it
was lifting off that there were major issues at hand. According to Mark Kelly, a retired member
of NASA, this was a good choice in case the spacecraft was to come down in a populated area,
creating much more of a problem than what was already at hand.

Official members of NATO have declared that they have found strange and unusual aircrafts that
seem to be Russian flying across the skies recently. Although there were no violations of NATO
airspace, many members are suspicious of what the Russians may or may not be doing currently.
Because Russia and NATO have been having massive conflict over the current state of Ukraine,
there is no positive or negative evidence that they are doing anything harmful. Because of this
strange upbringing of aerial affairs concerning European airspace, NATO has declared this
situation as an unusual burst of activity, especially because of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.

Palestine has officially become a state to the European Union, also known as the EU. Sweden,
the country created the proposal to induct Palestine into the EU released a statement that even
though Palestine is still currently at an uneasy place with neighboring country Israel, that this
does not mean Sweden or the EU have any intent on breaking ties with either country. Although
Palestine is thrilled with that announcement, Israel is not happy, and is criticizing the decision.
No statements have been released by Israel yet concerning this delicate matter because of the
fragile state between the two countries.
More news, sports, and weather coming up
(play PSA #1 here.)

In Sports
A great week for basketball this week
As of Monday, the basketball season has started.
Hockey continues as the New Jersey Devils end up winning a game 2-1 against the Winnipeg
Jets this past week.
There were no fights during this game.

South Africa suffers the tragic loss of three hometown sports heroes. The first, an olympic silver
medalist, died in a car crash. Mbu-lae-ni Mu-laud-zi [BOO-LANEY MOO-LOUD-ZEE]
participated in the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 800 meter run, and held the world champion
status for that event. The second, Sen-zo Mey-iwa [SEN-ZOH MAE-E-WAH], was killed as a
robbery took place outside of the town of Johannesburg. He was a goalkeeper for one of the
countrys football teams. The third, a female boxer, Phin-dile Mwe-lease [FIN-DIAL WELL-
EES], had suffered a fatal blow to the head, which put her a coma nearly two weeks ago. She
died after healthcare complications.

Your WKNJ hourly weather update
Right now at Kean Universitys main campus, the temperature is an average mild of 49 degrees
with a chance of going higher to about 58. Theres a chance of clouds, but it will be an overall
sunny day here in Union, NJ.
Tune in later for meteorology reports later tonight.

In Entertainment
Craig Aaronson, an Artist & Repertoire representative for multiple record labels and booking
agencies has died after a long, rigorous battle with cancer. Mostly working with Warner Bros.
Records, he worked at signing many bands in the underground punk and emo scene such as My
Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, Avenged Sevenfold, and The Used. These, however,
are his most popular hits when it comes to bands. Aaronson worked with signing over twenty
bands, helping them fulfill their dreams as national, touring musicians.

Thats it for your news. Youre listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey. Im Michael
De Man and well be right back after this.
(Play PSA #2 here.)



1) ( x ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.

2) ( x ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I

clearly explain that in the paper.

3) ( x ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or

used indentation and citation within the text.

4) ( x ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the

bibliography in the text of the paper.

5) ( x ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.

6) ( x ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in

another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.

7) ( x ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or


8) ( x ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the

research and ideas used in my paper.

Name: Michael De Man Date: 31 October 2014

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