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Performance 3.

Song 1. R U Mine
Levels were a bit of
Stage presence was weak
I "butchered" the solo
little communication
Song 2. If You Could Only See
I forgot how to play the song
guitar was out of tune
levels were still off
stage presence was at a minimal
Song 3. Don't Change
I wasnt in the intro
band played through which was good
i came in weak
worked out though
Song 4. Do I Wanna Know
Good start/intro
back up singing was a bit off
it was messy in spots
lack of energy
Song 5. bet that you look good on the dance floor
Good start/intro
back up singing was a bit off
it was messy in spots
lack of energy
Song 6. Teddy Picker
Lack of energy
solo was weak

Song 7. Never tear us apart
poor organization
out of time in the beginning
solo was a bit off
i didn't play through to the last chorus
song 8. Rebel yell
band didn't know structure well
solo was wrong but I didn't have a whammy so I couldn't play it to the song
song ended few bars early
Song 9. TNT
could tell band wasn't confident with piece
structure was poor
outro was ridiculous

Song 10. Jailhouse Rock
poor start
rest of song was reasonably good
Stage presence was poor. No connection with audience. Band was messy and out of time. Random
pauses throughout performances, the guitar work was about as good as a dogs breakfast and alot of
organization mistakes were made which could of been avoided.

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