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The Beginning of all cycles.
Beginnings, more than any other signs.
Primitive = first and crude
Raw, directionless energy
Pure ego drive
I want to become what I am, but it is not that yet
Its wants can change with the wind
It wants something to fertilize
Something to manifest its strength on a concrete level
How does it adjust to the needs of Others? This is the big challenge.
Aries prefers isolation, backing away from confrontation
Can be asocial or even anti-social
It likes to lead when it has to relate to others
It wants power to do what it wants without considering the demands of others
Wants to be itself on its own terms
Doesn't need social reinforcement
This allows it to pioneer
the next phase in the cycle
provides a vessel for Arien energies, to manifest them
a container, a matrix for the manifestation of energy
a passive matrix, consummately valuable
without it Aries' energy would come to nothing at all
manifests Aries' energy by containing it on the physical plane
container is just as valuable as contained
container reflects the contained's energy and thus takes on a creativity on its
own, future emanations of the energy will come from it
grants stability, constance, persistence
limits and concentrates Aries' energy
brings Aries' abstractions into real world
cooling and soft, but by far warmest earth sign
fertile sign
earthy and sensual, enjoys the physical
wants to be involved in the universe
wants to experience the wonder of physicality
not especially social
not rampantly individual
content to be by itself
does not need applause
does enjoy the opposite sex
Taurus enjoys sex
the sensualist
Aries-Taurus, first postive-negative pair, the living body animated by fire of A
ries and given form by Taurus
As yet, the body is unaware of others
consciousness still needs to be developed in remaining signs of the zodiac
Aries/Taurus built and animated physical body
development of mental (Gemini) and emotional (Cancer) aspects of individual
Gemini moves rapidly from place to place, covering everything
too rapidly to get a deep impression of anything
is not yet aware that there are deeper aspects of reality that defies rationalit
understands quickly but does not empathize
learns quickly but does not yet know effortless mastery
speed and curiosity
first sign to concern itself with various relationships in the environment
it simply wants to know, doesn't care about those relationships
quite sociable, enjoys meeting people
high energy level, not so high to exhaust the slower
casual contact with Gemini is interesting
resists strong and deep attachments, which it regards as confining
Gemini tends to go around obstacles rather than confront them
Gemini simply changes
consistency and constancy are hard
Gemini loses interest fast
Game-playing and trickery
Mentally-oriented games
Complicated social maneuvers and games
Not intended to deceive or misrepresent, Gemini just enjoys them
Gemini may hurt others where no hurt is intended

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