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May this birthday... Be the beginning of the best years of your life.

You deserve the best birthday on Earth. Not to mention the moon, the stars, and the
Sensational; Stunning; Splendid; Smashing! Special ust didn!t have enough ra""le#
da""le to describe your birthday.
$a#$a#$a#$appy Birthday. $ope your day is a million laughs!
%n your birthday, you might feel e&tra special. But, ' thin( you!re pretty special every
No) that you are si& years old, ' thin( that ' can tell... Not only do you get my love,
get a gift as )ell. $appy Birthday!
*ll the clo)ns in +lo)nto)n... *re tic(led pin( to say, they )ish you barrels full of fun,
on such a special day. $appy Birthday!
$ip, hip, hooray! 't!s your birthday today!
Best )ishes on your birthday. You deserve a special one.
't!s your birthday! ,o out and play!
$appy Birthday from all of us. 't!s your day, so enoy!
Birthday greetings! $ope it!s the best one yet!
-hat a dramatic day! You made your entrance into the )orld.
.emember, age is ust a number. /he higher it gets, the more valuable it becomes.
'f you have a birthday and no one remembers it... 0o you still get a year older1
$appy Belated Birthday.
You may not )ant to remember your birthday. But, hey, that!s )hat friends are for!
* tip for (eeping your )eight do)n2 Never eat your birthday ca(e standing up.
May the stars shine on your birthday3ust as you shine every day.
4-hatever poet, orator or sage may say of it, old age is still old age.5 6 $enry
-ads)orth 7ongfello) 89:;<= *nd it loo(s splendid on you! $appy Birthday.
4/he older the >ddle the s)eeter the tune.5 6 'rish proverb
4-ouldst thou both eat thy ca(e and have it15 6 ,eorge $erbert 89?@@= %n your
birthday, yes!
4/he better part of valor is discretion.5 6 -illiam Sha(espeare 89AB:= So ' )onCt
mention your age. $appy Birthday!
4,ather ye rosebuds )hile ye may, %ld /ime is still a#Dying.5 6 .obert $erric( 89?<:=
Enough said! $appy Birthday!
47ife )ould be in>nitely happier if )e could only be born at the age of eighty and
gradually approach eighteen.5 6 Mar( /)ain
4-hen )e are born )e cry that )e are come to this great stage of fools.5 6 -illiam
Sha(espeare 89?E?= 'Cm glad )e made room on the stage for you. $appy Birthday.
4No )ise man ever )ished to be younger.5 6 3onathan S)ift 89;99= $o)Cs that for
consolation1 $appy Birthday!
$ope your candles stay lit all year long.
4% frabous day! +allooh! +allay!5 6 7e)is +arroll 89:AA=
4/here are three hundred and si&ty#four days )hen you might get unbirthday
presents F and only one for birthday presents, you (no).5 6 7e)is +arroll 89:AA=

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