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Homoeopathic medicines can be a big boon for all those who suffer from high uric

acid. These medicines work by reducing the uric acid?s overproduction by the bo
dy and accelerating the removal of this waste product from through the kidneys.
Homoeopathic medicine Benzoic acid, Pulsatilla, lycopodium and Urtica Urens lead
the homoeopathic table in curing the increased levels of uric acid. Another med
icine that requires a special mention is Berberis Vulgaris. It is used when kidn
ey stones form due to high levels of uric acid.. Gout is also very effectively t
reated by homoeopathy. Ledum pal, colchicum, Benzoic Acid, Bryonia and Formica R
ufa are very effective in treating gout. One big advantage that homoeopathy offe
rs in the treatment of high uric acid is that once treated the relapse will not
occur. This is also subjected to the condition that diet and Alcohol and weight
are well controlled.

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