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Self-Assessment - Major Projects

LTM 611 Human Learning and Development

Provide a self assessment analysis of the following projects. Please indicate how
you demonstrated performance in the Five Education Abilities.

A written statement of your own understanding of human development.

I believe that I have demonstrated communication in the writing of my own
understanding of human development. I believe that I have clearly expressed my
original views on human development and learning in a professional and academic
manner. I believe that I have demonstrated my ability to give clear example and
references that are both logical and relevant to my audience. Finally I believe that I
have demonstrated the ability to use appropriate language in my paper for the
assumed reading audience.

Take a Learner to Lunch

I believe that I have demonstrated the ability to show interactive interaction with in
the project take a learner to lunch. During my interview with my learning I needed
to be able to form a comfortable community with my learner. In order to do this I
had dinner with him and his family, taking the time to better know his life and his
interests. This allowed me the opportunity to build a community between the both
of us in order for him to feel safe and calm. This then allowed me to be able to give
better feedback when he answered questions as well as be able to provide him the
most thought provoking questions to answer.

I believe that I have also demonstrated the ability to show diagnosis with in the
project take a learner to lunch. I believe that I have demonstrated this though my
ability to form thought provoking questions that were age appropriate for my
learner. I had originally created a proposed theory on why my learner performed
in school based on how my learned would express himself during questions. Though
questioning I was able to take this information and make observations to what I had
learned. These observations then allowed me to examine the frameworks of the
theories and contemplate the validity of my own original thought processes. I
believe that I most profoundly displayed the ability to demonstrate diagnosis in my
ability to rethink the information that I was given and make the best comparison to
new theories that I had not originally discussed.

Theorist Research Report

I believe that I have demonstrated the ability to show coordination within the
theorist research report. I believe that my work with another learner showed my
ability to coordinate with others on our ideas and organizational our styles of
learning and working. In addition I believe that I have show an ability to identify
and organize multiple resources needed to complete this project. I believe that I
have show through my success in the project my ability to share my plans and ideas
with others and manage all part of this project with skill and depth.

In addition I believe that I have demonstrated the ability to show great
communication in my ability to create and present a media presentation with clarity
and accuracy. It provided both information and examples that were relevant and
applicable to my audience of fellow educators.

Multi-dimensional model of a learner

I believe that I have demonstrated the ability to show conceptualization with in the
multi-dimensional model of a learner. I believe that I have shown the ability to
connect and link the theoretical frameworks of education in my model of a learner.
I demonstrated how Payne, Gardner, Bronfenbrenner, and Dweck together created
the model of a learner that I believe in. I was able to express to the audience of
fellow educators the implications of my model on their ability to view their students.
I stated that all students come to them as a box of crayons with the foundations of or
lack of foundation on the previously stated theories. It is our purpose as teachers to
do the best we can to evaluate these learners and serve them to the best of their
needs. This ability to link the works of each framework together in my belief shows
a great ability to integrate the knowledge base of the theories into the foundations of

Faculty Assessment of overall performance:

Faculty Assessment of overall performance:
You demonstrated a thorough understanding of the various learning theories through your development of a multi-
dimensional model of a developing learner. Through this project you were able to demonstrate your ability to blend the
various theories and apply them to your own work environment.

You also demonstrated an excellent understanding of the learning theories discussed in class through your interview of
a developing learner. Through this project, you were able to review all of the different ideas about learning and how
using theoretical framework could give you a greater understanding of the learning process. Your questions were
theoretically based and you clearly stated a rationale for each question. You were able to involve real world application
of the learning theories that were discussed in class.

In your theorist report you were able to apply theoretical framework to classroom teaching. You also used media to
prepare a PowerPoint to present to the class, which demonstrated your proficiency in the use of technology in the

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