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Emile Berliner.

He was born on May 20, 1851. He was a German inventor. He created de

telephone transmitter, gramophone, disc of vinyl, and forerunner of the
microphone. At the age og 19 he dedicates much of his time in the library
of the Cooper insitute, where he became interested in electricity and
sound. In 1876, he attended a scientific exhibition, which inclued the first
phone of Alexander Grahambell that caught the attention of Berliner.
At his home in Washington, he investigates how to improve the desing. So
he invented a transmitter that sends messages to any distance, invented
the microphone. The company Bell Telephone, on Boston, offered him a
sum of money by his invention. However, in 1883, he left the company
and return to Washington. Then in 1887 he invented the gramophone,
which could record and produce sound on discs. The gramophone began
to be sold by the United States Gramophone, founded in 1893.
One Company made an agreement with the American Gramophone and
Columbia Phonograph to build the Zonophone, which was very similar to
the gramophone.
Through the National Gramophone Seaman Trial got that Berliner do not
sell his invention in the United States, for this reason, he traveled and
settled in Montreal (Canada), where he founded the Berliner Gram-O-
Phone Company, and the inventor register his company, with a dog
listeding to a gramophone.
Eventually, the company was bought by Victor Talking Machine Company,
and in 1929, the company was know as RCA Victor.
Berliner died in August , 1929 of a heart attack.

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