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Marcos Ferreira Navarro

Calle Gulag, number 1, 2 Izquierda

2345, Guarroman, !a"n
Manuel !im"nez
Ce%ursa #ierra Nevada
&laza &radollano s'n
1(1)3, Monac*il, Granada
+ear Mr, !im"nez-
M. name is Marcos Ferreira Navarro and I am sending .ou %*is covering le%%er in order %o a$$l. /or
one o/ %*e %0o 1ob $osi%ion vacancies %*a% .our com$an. o//ers in %*e rece$%ion area, I am %rul.
in%eres%ed %o 0or2 in %ourism, *ence %*is covering le%%er $robabl. can $rove i%, I 0an% %o 0or2 in
%ourism because i% is a sec%or 0*ere I can bo%* learn and con%ribu%e in a e3%ensivel. 0a.,
Concerning /oreign languages, I am able %o s$ea2 4nglis*, &or%uguese and I%alian, #$anis* is m.
mo%*er %ongue, I% is correc% %*a% m. I%alian level is no% %*a% good, Never%*eless, m. 4nglis* and
&or%uguese levels are ver. good, 0*ic* is an advan%age 0*en dealing 0i%* /oreign cus%omers,
Moreover, m. %eam0or2 ca$aci%. is e3cellen%- I am able ei%*er %o 0or2 under %*e orders o/ someone
else or coordina%ing and being %*e leader o/ %*e grou$, 5*is is also connec%ed 0i%* m. $osi%ive
a%%i%ude %o0ards 0or2 and c*allenges, even in si%ua%ions 0*ere %*e $ressure is eleva%ed and %*ere is
no% a clear 0a. ou%, Finall., I mus% add %*a% I am a /as% learner, so %*e $rocess o/ ada$%a%ion %o .our
com$an. 0ould be s*or%,
5o sum u$ %*is s*or% covering le%%er I onl. 0an% %o add %*a% .ou can /ind m. C6 %*e a%%ac*men% and
I 0ould also li2e %o e3$ress m. gra%e/ulness /or reading %*is a$$lica%ion,
Marcos Ferreira Navarro

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