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A Farewell to Flavius

List of Characters


The scene opens on an ancient roman house. There are a few fancy art pieces and nice
furniture indicating a well-off family. It is dark outside, and there are the steady sounds of the
night punctuated by a few dog barks and shouts. A middle-aged couple can be seen in the
room, looking ten years older than they are because of the look of worry on their faces. They
both are beginning to have a few strands of grey hair among the black, and the man is
beginning to bald. He is sitting down reading scrolls, although he does not seem to be able to
concentrate. The woman is moving around from one task to another. Suddenly light footsteps
can be heard outside, and the door slowly opens.
A teenager of about 15 years old, Flavius, comes in, closing the door slowly behind him.
He takes a few steps, and, sensing that something is wrong, looks up to the waiting gaze of his
parents. He takes a few steps back with a startled look.

Flavius: I can explain-

Horatius: Ive had enough of your explaining. Youre already grounded for a month! But seeing
as that doesnt seem to affect you, no more sports for two weeks!

Flavius: But-

Horatius: No sports for a month!

Flavius: I hate you!

Aemilia: Flavius!

Now shouting
Flavius: I hate you too! You pretend to be all nice and say youre doing everything for my own
good, but then you dont let me do anything I want to do! You dont let go out when all my
friends do, stay up late or go to any parties! Im sick of this!

Aemilia: Quiet, or youll wake up your brother!

As if on cue, a pair of small feet can be seen on at the top of the stairs, accompanied by the
voice of a young boy, about 6 years old.

Marcus: Is that Flavius?

Aemilia: (To Flavius) See what youve done! (To Marcus) Go to bed honey, Ill be there in a

Marcus begins walking down the stairs. He looks similar to his brother, but younger.
Marcus: I want to see Flavius.

Horatius, who has been looking at Flavius during this exchange, speaks again.

Horatius: You know what, be like that. Your mother and I always try to do the best we can for
you, and this is how you repay us. (Louder) When we were your age, you would never have
seen us out in the middle of the night, oh no, we were in bed at 10 o'clock sharp!

Flavius: Well Im not you, okay? Im my own self, a different person. Why cant you understand
that? (suddenly starts crying) Why cant you understand that?

Aemilia: Oh my baby...
She moves closer to him about to reach out, when she suddenly steps back, suspicious.
Aemilia: Is that alcohol that I smell?

Suddenly defensive
Flavius: So what if it is?

Horatius: Oh Jupiter, where did we go wrong?

Marcus: I dont think there is anything wrong with Flavius. I want to be just like him. (At that, he
moves closer to his brother, away from his parents.)

Aemilia: He didnt mean there was anything wrong with Flavius, (Now to her husband) Did you?

Horatius: Oh, not at all.

Flavius: Stop lying! Marcus is the only good thing in this house, and you know it! Ive made up
my mind, Im leaving for good. Maybe when Im older Ill come back and visit my little brother,
but I know what I need to do. Maybe Ill see the world or go to gladiator school, but for sure
somewhere far from here. Goodbye Mother! Goodbye Father! Goodbye Marcus!

With that, he runs to a room offstage to gather a few possessions, and then with one final look,
leaves out the front door. As if in a daze, the rest of his family stands watching, until Aemilia
steps outside and watches him disappear, choking back a sob. The curtains close.

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