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Stephen Leipold

If you are going to visit Russia or Ukraine you need to be careful. You should not be in
the middle. Ukraine rejected the European union. Crimea was taken over by Russia. Russia shot
down a plane. These are the 3 major events led to a lot of tension between Ukraine and Russia.
The rejection of the deal was the start of all this tension.
The president of Ukraine rejected the deal. Ukraine economy got bad from the deal. It
made the people mad. The president of Ukraine rejected the deal to help Russia. Ukraine was
mad because it did not help them but it help Russia. There was a protest that made more
tension. So Ukraine started the tension .
Crimea was taking over by Russia. Russia took over Crimea land without asking them.
They were mad because Russia took over Crimea navy base. Ukraine was mad because they got
their navy commander and took over the base. Ukraine they wanted their leader back and the
land. Ukraine said gives him back or we well kill you all. Ukraine did not attack Russia. This
caused Russia not to be afraid. Russia made more tension by taking over Crimea.
Someone shot down a plane over Ukraine with a missile. Oleksandr Turchynov, the
interim president, has proof that Russia shot down the plane. Ukraine was mad at Russia
because they shot down a plane of innocent people on Ukraine's land. According to one U.S.
official however Russians likely provided more than one missile system to the rebels in the last
week or so. (Lasevoli). This claim caused even more tension because two countries said it was
Russia. Armed rebels who were making it so people couldn't go in the area had kept
investigators away from the crime scene for days. they were suspected of hiding evidence
about the attack. It caused suspicion of the pro Russia rebels because it looks very weird. So the
rebels were acting very suspicious and hiding the evidence that Russia shot down the plane.
It was not only the rebels fault but also many other people and countries caused
tension. Ukraine said no to the deal and made the tension. Russia made more tension. The
rebels were very suspicious and had evidence that Russia shot down the plane. I hope now you
have a better understanding of what is happening in Russia and Ukraine.

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