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Jacqueline Kooser

ENC 3315
Assignment 3
Commented [AV1]: Let me say first, I dont know how
to work these comments very well, so Im sorry if I mess
them up! Dr. Marinara wants us to do APA or MLA, are
you doing MLA here? If thats the case, it would be your
name, then Dr. Marinara, then the class, then the due

Due Date: November 6, 2014

From the moment we are born into the world, our presence activates
memory in many forms all around us. Not only does memory start to build in our
infant brains, but also the humans around us begin to actively put their memory into
play. The family surrounding us remembers their experiences with new borns; our
parents remember the joyful and over whelming moment that their first born came
along, and their parents, their memory takes them back to giving birth to the man or
woman who has now brought them the finest gift. Doctors enjoy the moment while
their memory is taking them for a stroll through their to-do list for other patients,
and as nurses begin to prepare the baby to be taken home, their memory floods with
the many rewarding reasons that they chose the profession they did. Memory is a
fascinating subject when thinking about it in depth. What does memory exactly

Commented [AV2]: I like how you pose questions here

about what memory means for literature. The beginning
is really quite interesting, but it seems really abstract. I
dont know if thats a good or a bad thing, but I just
wanted to point that out. Im not sure such an abstract
and creative (though still really good!) introduction like
that is appropriate for an academic paper.

mean to the world of literature? What can it do for authors and audiences?

Commented [AV3]: You probably know this, but you

need a citation here for these two quotes.

subject of memory comes from the Greek goddess Mnemosyne. Simonides, a Greek

Memory is defined as the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers
information and something remembered from the past; a recollection. The

lyric poet, decided to being teaching the subject of memory through painting and
Commented [AV4]: I see that this is all you have so far,
but I think its really interesting that youre bringing in
Greek mythology. I hope you continue to do this in your
paper, and I look forward to reading the rest of it! You
have some neat opportunities here.

poetry. Knowing that memory was such a big part of ancient studies,

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