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Symbolisms to be on the lookout for

Books are burned physically and ideas are burned from the
mind. Bradbury warns us about what happens when we stop
expressing our ideas, and we permit people to take away our
Part one of the book is entitled The Earth and The Salamander: A
salamander is known to endure fire without getting burned.
o A salamander is therefore symbolic of Montag, because he
works with fire and endures it. Montag believes he can
escape the fire and survive, much like a salamander.
The symbol of a Phoenix is used throughout the novel. A Phoenix
is a multicolored bird from Arabian myth. At the end of its 500year existence, it perches on its nest of spices and sings until
sunlight ignites its body. After the body is consumed, a worm
emerges and develops into the next Phoenix.
o This symbolizes both the rebirth after destruction by fire
and the cyclical nature of things. Firemen wear the Phoenix
on their uniforms and Beatty drives a Phoenix car. Montag,
after realizing that fire has destroyed him, wishes to be
o Granger, one of Fahrenheit 451s characters, said: There
was a silly damn bird called Phoenix back before Christ,
every few hundred years he built a pyre and burnt himself
up. He must have been first cousin to Man. (p.163)

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