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Parkview PTA Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2014
6:30PM - 7:30PM


Brief intros for everyone present names and kids names/grades.

Approval of prior minutes passed from 9.9.14 meeting.

Brought in about $3,900 from Boundary Bay
Looking hopeful to bring in the $23K from Jogathon pledges due this Thursday October
Bellingham Public Schools Foundation, Kim Lund (Executive Director of the Foundation)

This year, and in coming years, the Foundation hopes to increase their impact in more
significant ways for all schools across the district.
They hope to help fund the Bellingham Promise in a more significant way One
Schoolhouse equalize opportunities for students regardless of campus.
The Foundation will be out in the community more to help foster philanthropy for education
even those without children. Bellingham wide!
Will be doing a capital campaign in the spring. Foundation will ask families, schools and
community to help reach goal of $250K. This will help with budget shortfalls in the district as a
result of our state government not funding education properly.
In the last 4 years the Foundation has raised $400K, and they currently have a savings of
$150K, with hopes to have ongoing savings of $1M.
Upcoming event Foundation is partnering with the Pickford Cinema on Oct 28th, showing the
movie Go Public. There will be a panel discussion afterwards.
New opportunity at the elementary level - STEM grant from Phillips 66, who has given $5K in a
matching grant opportunity. Partnering with Kimberly Gustafson at Bricks & Beyond and would
like to extend STEM educational opportunities into all elementary schools.


Parent Survey Surveys went home in Panda Pockets and Mr. Allen has already received 100
back. This survey is part of his entry plan process, gathering info on our school to help set
trajectory for the future.
Informal meetings happening within the next two weeks Coffee with the Principal, (first one
will be Oct. 15th from 3:15 4:00 pm in the Library) no agenda, topics brought up by parents.

One thing Mr. Allen has already heard feedback on is to hold an evening Coffee with the
Principal for working parents. This will happen in the near future stay tuned for date/time.
The end process for Mr. Allens entry plan will wrap up near Christmas break. He will share his
findings at one of the wintertime PTA meetings. He will also talk about how the staff will be
forging a new focus at Parkview.
Walking down the hallways, parents will notice new expectations. The purpose is to positively
reinforce behavior. See signage; hear teachers using different words, etc. Make simpler, more
accessible, used at a higher frequency.

A. Committee Support
Cindee Jones teacher/staff appreciation once a month instead of one big week in May.
Looking for someone to lead the Science Fair in the spring. Sounds like Cynthia Mutch will
head it up this year but is looking for an apprentice to continue to take it on.
Book Fair Laurel and Mr. Hayden are currently working on prep for this. Looking for help to
run registers in the morning and after school during the week of November 3 6.

Teacher Appreciation listed above.

Carnival Kirstin Curtis
The carnival will be held on Friday, November 7th from 5:00 7:00 pm.
Teachers host activities in their rooms; there is a general store, bouncy house, face painting,
engraving, surprise door.
Tiffany Brooks will do photo booth again with fun costumes presell photo tickets for $7 each
after school during the week of carnival.
No hat contest this year. Still crazy hat/hair carnival, just no contest. Kirsten and Lyndie will do
a promo in each classroom on Thursday of carnival week.
Cara P will help serve food that night (food handlers permit). Susan Hemingson will help with
thank you notes for all donors. Mrs. Karney and Mrs. Herndon will sell tickets at one table at
the carnival, and Shannon Epps and Alyssa Bowhay at another (TBD).
Bellingham High School students will run games in the rooms so parents can be with their
kiddos and enjoy their time together.
End of night, Angela to help count $$$ with another person.
There will be a parent lounge this year in Mrs. Mills room!
C. Garden Time
Common Threads have 14 schools that they work with. Common Threads was at our PTA
meeting to thank you for the compost that was donated.
Typical day in the garden for students quick lesson, talk about soil/seeds/worms, etc. Split
up, do stations, planting, weeding, watering, etc.
Garden needs volunteers if you want to consider being a garden angel in the off months,
contact Erica Christensen.
This Thursday is harvest dinner at Whatcom Middle School from 4-6 pm. 100% of food coming
from Bellingham school gardens. The PV garden has contributed potatoes, beets, cilantro, etc.
Showcase of district and whats growing on.

D. Healthy Snacks
Goals (from Cara P.) 1. Make kids aware that healthy snacks dont just mean vegetables. 2.
Getting kids involved in cooking at home, etc. Every month there will be a take-home
component that families can make together. November will be a sweet potato hummus yum!
Healthy snacks started with grant from Foundation. As that grand expired, the PV PTA rolled
healthy snacks into their budget. We are working with Acme Farms + Garden this year to do a
monthly bigger healthy snack. Every day, through the school district, kids have fresh snacks
in their classroom.
E. Scrip
This month we are trying a new system for Scrip. We will purchase large amounts of cards and
people can purchase them at school on the spot instead of having to pre-order and then wait.
F. Tea Sales Link on Facebook, 20% off, free shipping, use PV code. Visit:,
enter code: SDF14PARKVIEW
G. Hammerhead Coffee Coffee sales during Christmas, Valentines and Spring. Cara P. is
going to run with this and will touch base with PTA board.
H. Classroom Reps Big holes in classroom rep sign-ups. Only have 2nd and 4th represented.
Bridging between the class/whole child experiences. If youre interested contact Jaime White
or Holly Rasmussen.
Adjournment at 7:35 pm.


(no meeting in November due to Holiday)

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