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So I am still thinking about this idea of prayer.

Not only does it seem audacious and self important to ask anything from a god th
at has ostensibly allowed millions of innocent children to suffer and die, but i
t seems illogical and unwarranted in any imaginable scenario.
If god is loving, all powerful, all knowing, and he cares about us then he would
already do what is needed or best for us without our asking.
If he is evil or indifferent it is useless or worse to pray.
And of course if he doesn't exist it is pointless.
So I am once again brought back to my assertion that the reason people believe i
n god is from a psychological need.
Our psychological makeup is formed as children when parents are our gods.
They provide for us, protect us, punish us. We learn to ask them for everything
we want or need.
So the god fills the psychological void of the lost parent, and we are compelled
to beg or ask this new parent or god, especially when we are in great distress.
We do it even when we realize the efficacy of prayer has been disproven by scien
tific study and personal experience.
We believe because we need to, not because we are convinced.
But for those who respect reason as the path to truth, human needs do not mold r

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