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By Tia Greenwood

Major Beliefs
Luckisms believe in happiness every day.
They also believe in everyone being a very nice person.
In luckism so everything is fair they all believe in karma.

Laws and Rules

1 minute of school each year.
5 dollars for every toy.
Eat ice-cream or cake for dinner but have to go for a long
or short swim.
Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

Sacred places
A swimming pool is a sacred place because you have to
jump in at any pool 12am each day! (every pool heated)
A trampoline is a sacred place because you have to jump
around like crazy each day for five minutes.

Special Ceremonies
Lucky day is the most important special ceremony because
everyone becomes a millionaire for 3 months!!
Chocolate day is a fun day because everyone gets all the
chocolate for free.


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