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Introduction: course outline, logistics introduction to ASICs, FPGAs, economics

HDL: Logic design Review, Behavior, dataflow, structural modeling, control
statements, FSM modeling
CMOS Review: Classical, CMOS (Deep Sub-micron), ASIC Methodologies
Fabrication of MOSFET: MOS Transistor, Design methodologies, design for
FPGA: Programmable logic FPGA, Configuration logic blocks, Function Generator,
ROM implementation, RAM implementation, time skew buffers, FPGA Design tools,
Network-on-chip, Adaptive System-on-chip, AES ASIC Implementation, Advanced
FPGA Design
Logic synthesis: Fundamentals, logic synthesis with synopsis, physical design
compilation, simulation, implementation. V Floor planning and placement,
Commercial EDA tools for synthesis.
Testing: Advanced interconnects and testing techniques

Text / Reference Books:

1. Bushnell and Agarwal Essentials of Electronic Testing KLUWER Academic

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