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Questionnaire on Consumers opinion About Amway products.

Q.1 Name of the product you using from Amway: _______________________

Q.2 what is your monthly Budget for this particular product?

A. 5000-10000 B. 10000-20000 C. 20000-50000 D. 50000 and Above.

Q.3 How Did you come to know about the product Amway?
A. Newspapers B. Magazines C. Television D. Internet E. Others.

Q.4 Are you happy about the features Associated with the product Amway?
A. Excellent B. Good C. Average D. Poor E. Very poor.

Q.5 From where Did you Bring the product Amway?

A. Showroom B. Shopping Mall C. Shopping WEB-site D. Marketing

Q.6 What was your Experience About the After sale service?
A. Excellent B. Good C. Average D. Poor E. Very poor.

Q.7 what is your opinion concerning the price of product AmwAy?

A. Cheap B. Affordable C. Expensive D. Very Expensive.

Q.8 is the packaging And Display of Amway product Attractive?

A. Excellent B. Good C. Average D. Poor E. Very poor.

Q.9 How would you rate your Experience of using Amway?

A. Excellent B. Good C. Average D. Poor E. Very poor.

Q.10 What is your opinion About the Discount offers which we present from time
to time ?
A. Excellent B. Good C. Average D. Poor E. Very poor.

Q.11 Is the Amway product Easily Available and Accessible?

A.Yes B. No

Q.12 How do you like purchasing our products?

A. In bulk B.Single pieces C. Just when I need them

Q.13 Which of our products does you like and use most?
A. The shampoo

B. The bar soap C. The utensil cleaning gel

D. Other (please specify)_______________________________

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