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1. The childrens imprint of British publishers penguin books?

2. The -brand was established in 1972 by Air France to provide a home away from home
for its customers.
3. Japanese word which means great lord
4. Frank McNamara, Ralph Schneider and Matty Simmons came up with this concept when they
forgot their wallet.
5. X refused to produce tanks for Nazi Germany, which took control of his factories. He produced
Lorries for the German occupiers instead. The Provisional Government of the French Republic
accused him of collaborating with the German occupiers and had him arrested during the
liberation of France in 1944. He died in prison before having prepared his defense. X was founder
of French automobile company? Which company?
6. It began producing airship envelopes in 1911 for advertising purposes and introduced its own
blimp, pilgrim, in 1925. Which tyre giant?
7. Identify the author

8. Expand DoCoMo in TATA DOCOMO?

1. Puffin books.

2. Le Mridien. Started first hotel in Paris.

3. Tycoon
4. Dinner card. Created "travel and entertainment" segment. Other competitors BankAmericard
(later renamed VISA), and Interbank MasterCharge (later renamed MasterCard)
5. Renault. X is Louis Renault and he founded the company along with his brothers Marcel and
6. Goodyear
7. Alan Greenspan. Closely associated with Ayn Rand. Rand nicknamed Greenspan "the
undertaker" because of his penchant for dark clothing and reserved demeanor
8. Do communication over mobile

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