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My belief system

Nonxuism was originated in 1301, by the king of
Nonxie Land

Major Beliefs
Christmas Donkeys/rabbits, Easter Bunny,
Imagining anything you want
The ghost of Stafford street

Sacred Places
Donkey farms where they hold their
American buildings they port all of their
food from America
Sacred king very old, grey, long beard, lives
in a sacred teepee
Sacred teepee kings

Special Ceremonies
Plaxu the kings special ceremony, where
everyone makes a long row against a purple
carpet and then bow when the king walks
down it.
Roshu Hashu a ceremony
Green day everyone wears, eats, plays with
and celebrates green things located on the
5th of JanJan

Laws or Rules for Behaviour

You are not allowed to eat beef, duck, rabbit, or
prosciutto because they are all sacred animal
You are only allowed into the kings cave with a
permission saying
Your hair is only allowed to grow to up to 1 and a
half metres long for safety reasons
It is racist to talk about donkeys or rabbits in front
of them or anyone who follows Nonxuism

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