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Andreina Mioln

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes the bones to become so thin that they can break during
normal daily activities such as lifting a heavy object or rolling over in bed.
Osteoporosis within the family
1. Family interaction
2. Economical Difficulties
3. Facing Society

1. Every family has disputes and arguments, in this case its worse. Families life change completely,
you cant leave things on the floor because the osteoporosis person can fall and break
something, you cant run around because you might hurt that person, you cant be aggressive.
Family vacations may never happen, not only does this person has the disease the whole family
lives it too.
2. Between paying bills for every single time a bone breaks, to making the house habitable and
then normal bills the monetary issues affects dramatically in the family.
3. With every disability a person has society tends to be prejudice about it, in this case when o n
member has osteoporosis, though whole family has this disease therefore those pity stares and
uncomfortable conversations affects the family too.

Those are not my paragraph topic is more like an explanation of my topics.

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