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Declaration Of Things That Dont Make Sense

In Congress, December 24, 2014

The unanimous Declaration of all the things that make no sense,
When it comes to our happiness, we must not let anything get in the way
of our thoughts. We have dealt with this nonsense long enough and it
will not be tolerated any longer. The people shall not be afraid any more
and they will stand up to the man.
We hold the truth that all men are created the same but some men just
take things out of context to the point it makes no sense. We have been
poisoned with your words and nonsense without fighting back with
literature but the time has come for a change. We must question the
stupidity of mankind and not allow it to take over.
For being told tomatoes are fruits, when ketchup isnt a smoothie? We
are pretending that these things make sense because we are lazy.
For being told a house with several floors and apartments is called a
building. Now that is just disrespectful even to me. Why is it called a
building if its already built?
They have told

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