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Create one 250-word summary/memo to me interpreting and analyzing your results of the usability test

and reflecting on the goals you set, the results of the tests and presentation, and any changes you
ultimately decided to make to the document/presentation as a result of the testing. Include all team
members names. Assess and reflect on the process leading up to the final, in-class presentation. In your
memo, address the following questions:
1) How did developing written instructions influence your approach?
2) Discuss any initial challenges. What concerns did you anticipate?
3) How satisfied are you, overall, with the groups performance?
4) What were the strengths of this presentation? What were the weaknesses? Include your perception of
how the audience responded.
5) Finally, how did this assignment tap into your understanding of professional writing and
communication? (What were the lessons learned/takeaways?)

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