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Third Grade

November 7, 2014/14 Cheshvan 5775

Gev. Lansing
Tele: 414-254-6720

Samantha: We started doing online reading, so now we do not have to bring our books home in our
backpacks. Maddie: We read a story last week called Max's Words. It was about a boy named Max who
picked something to collect; he picked words. Hanna: Our comprehension strategy with this story was
sequence of events. We used a flow chart to help us. Sarah and Rachel: We learned about verbs and
being verbs, and then we reviewed subjects and predicates.
Shira: This week we read a story called What Do Illustrators Do? It is about two people illustrating the same
story, but in different ways. Hannah: Each group read small books as well, and they all had something to do
with art. Maya: We added past, present, and future tense when talking about verbs.

Eli: We had a math test on our first unit. Rebecca: Then we took a pretest on the second unit to see what we
already knew and what we still need to learn. Beni: We started our new unit and took another fact test. We
are now learning our 6 bys and 8 bys.
Maddie: We worked on word problems and using "fast area" pictures to help solve the problem. Ethan: We
learned that making a picture can help us solve problems, especially when they are confusing.
If you are looking for computer games, please check out:
Numberopolis: Carnival Stories, Level S
The Number Games: Up, Up and Array, Levels A and B
Country Countdown: Counting Critters, Level W
Ice Station Exploration, Arctic Algebra, Level P
They can be found on the Think Central website. There is a link on my web page.

Ethan: We finished our unit on Observation and Classification, so we took our first science test. Hanna: We
are now going to learn about our city of Milwaukee. Elle: We are learning about Old Milwaukee. We have
packets, and we are learning how to highlight the important parts. Sophia: We are learning about what
kinds of food the Native Americans shared with and taught the settlers to grow.

Joe: We had music this week. We sang songs, and Nitzan, our shin shin from two years ago, came to visit us.
Rachel: In gym class we did a new game where we pass a ball, and we try not to drop it on the floor. It was
a lot of fun. Neta: In computers we answered questions about us to share with our parents at conferences.
Maddie: We counted up our 300 Minute Club minutes, and we had our 300 Minute Club party on Thursday.
Elle: In art we are working on paintings of happy memories.

We are out of things to take apart! PLEASE HELP US! Send in your old/no longer working radios, keyboards,
CD players, walkie talkies.....anything that does not have glass or a heating element, please!

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In Jewish Studies we have finished our second test in the Avraham journals using Pic Collage. Next we will
start learning about the Jews in Old Milwaukee.

Students are working on speaking and answering questions in complete sentences. They are also working
on the ownership concept in Hebrew (Yesh lo, yesh lah). On Friday, we went over the parsha of the week in

We are busy getting ready for our second annual "Night of Lights" concert that will be on Thursday, Dec. 11
at 6:30 p.m. in the Peck Gym. Please mark your calendars so that you can join us.

Tuesday, Nov. 11: Conferences: 2 p.m. dismissal
Wednesday, Nov. 12: Conferences: No school
Wednesday, Nov. 19: All-day field trip - Please DO NOT order hot lunch!
Wednesday-Friday, Nov. 26-28: Thanksgiving break: No school
Thursday, Dec. 11: Night of Lights concert, 6:30 p.m., Peck Gym
Wednesday, Dec. 24-Sunday, Jan. 4: Winter Break: No school

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