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download the latest HandbrakeCLI from here -> https://build.handbrake.

extract the .zip archive on thesame location as cyko for example cyko is located
at "c:\cyko\"
then put "HandbrakeCLI" inside "c:\cyko\" and then inside "c:\cyko\" youll see c
yko.exe and HandbrakeCLI.exe
then thats it run cyko and use it
updating HandbrakeCLI is thesame thing only difference is you have to overwrite
the HandbrakeCLI.exe
with the updated HandbrakeCLI.exe on thesame location as cyko.exe
and ye you can place the whole folder containing cyko.exe and handbrakeCLI.exe w
herever you want afterwards
and you can even carry it on your USB Flash Drive if you want to encode on a dif
ferent PC

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