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In: F. Brackx et al (eds.

), Clifford Algebras and their Applications

in Mathematical Physics, Kluwer: Dordercht/Boston(1993), 269285.

Differential Forms in Geometric Calculus

David Hestenes
Abstract Geometric calculus and the calculus of differential forms have
common origins in Grassmann algebra but different lines of historical development, so mathematicians have been slow to recognize that they belong
together in a single mathematical system. This paper reviews the rationale for embedding differential forms in the more comprehensive system of
Geometric Calculus. The most significant application of the system is to
relativistic physics where it is referred to as Spacetime Calculus. The fundamental integral theorems are discussed along with applications to physics,
especially electrodynamics.
1. Introduction
Contrary to the myth of the solitary scientific genius, science (including mathematics) is a
social activity. We all feed on one anothers ideas. Without our scientific culture the greatest
mathematical genius among us could not progress beyond systematic counting recorded on
fingers and toes. The primary means for communicating new ideas is the scientific literature.
However, it is extremely difficult to read that literature without learning how through
direct contact with others who already can. Even so, important ideas in the literature
are overlooked or misconstrued more often than not. The history of mathematical ideas
(especially those of Hermann Grassmann) shows this conclusively.
A workshop like this one, bringing together scientists with common interests but divergent
backgrounds, provides a uniquely valuable opportunity to set the written record straight
to clarify and debate crucial ideasto progress toward a consensus. We owe an immense
debt of gratitude to the Workshop organizers who made this possible: Professors Fred
Brackx, Richard Delanghe, and Herman Serras. This is also a good opportunity to pay
special tribute to Professor Roy Chisholm, who, with uncommon insight into the social
dimension of science, conceived, organized and directed the First International Workshop
on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in 1986. He set the standard for Workshops
to follow. Without his leadership we would not be here today.
As in previous Clifford Algebra Workshops [14] my purpose here is to foment debate
and discussion about fundamental mathematical concepts. This necessarily overflows into
debate about the terminology and notations adopted to designate those concepts. At the
outset, I want it understood that I intend no offense toward my esteemed colleagues who
hold contrary opinions. Nevertheless, I will not mince words, as I could not take the subject
more seriously. At stake is the very integrity of mathematics. I will strive to formulate
and defend my position as clearly and forcefully as possible. At the same time, I welcome
rational opposition, as I know that common understanding and consensus is forged in the
dialectic struggle among incompatible ideas. Let the debate proceed!
I reiterate my contention that the subject of this conference should be called Geometric
Algebra rather than Clifford Algebra. This is not a mere quibble over names, but a brazen
claim to vast intellectual property. Whats in these names? To the few mathematicians
familiar with the term, Clifford Algebra refers to a minor mathematical subspecialty

concerned with quadratic forms, just one more algebra among many other algebras. We
should not bow to such a myopic view of our discipline.
I invite you, instead, to join me in proclaiming that Geometric Algebra is no less than
a universal mathematical language for precisely expressing and reasoning with geometric
concepts. Clifford Algebra may be a suitable term for the grammar of this language, but
there is far more to the language than the grammar, and this has been largely overlooked
by the strictly formal approach to Clifford Algebra.
Let me remind you that Clifford himself suggested the term Geometric Algebra, and he
described his own contribution as an application of Grassmanns extensive algebra [3]. In
fact, all the crucial geometric and algebraic ideas were originally set forth by Grassmann.
What is called Grassmann Algebra today is only a fragment of Grassmanns system. His
entire system is closer to what we call Clifford Algebra. Though we should remember and
admire the contributions of both Grassmann and Clifford, I contend that the conceptual
system in question is too universal to be attached to the name of any one individual. Though
Grassmann himself called it the Algebra of Extension, I believe he would be satisfied with
the name Geometric Algebra. He was quite explicit about his intention to give geometry a
suitable mathematical formulation.
Like the real number system, Geometric Algebra is our common heritage, and many individuals besides Grassmann and Clifford have contributed to its development. The system
continues to evolve and has expanded to embrace differentiation, integration, and mathematical analysis. No consensus has appeared on a name for this expanded mathematical
system, so I hope you will join me in calling it Geometric Calculus.
Under the leadership of Richard Delanghe, mathematical analysis with Clifford Algebra
has become a recognized and active branch of mathematics called Clifford Analysis. I
submit, though, that this name fails to do justice to the subject. Clifford analysis should
not be regarded as just one more branch of analysis, along side real and complex analysis.
Clifford analysis, properly construed, generalizes, subsumes, and unifies all branches of
analysis; it is the whole of analysis. To proclaim that fact, workers in the field should set
modesty aside and unite in adopting a name that boldly announces claim to the territory.
At one time I suggested the name Geometric Function Theory [5], but I am not particularly
partial to it. However, I insist on the term Geometric Calculus for the broader conceptual
system which integrates analysis with the theory of manifolds, differential geometry, Lie
groups, and Lie algebras.
The proclamation of a universal Geometric Calculus [1,5] has met with some skepticism
[3], but the main objection has now been decisively answered in [6], which shows that, not
only does embedding a vector space with its dual into a common geometric algebra not
suffer a loss of generality, but there are positive advantages to it as well. Indeed, physicists
and mathematicians have been doing just that for some time without recognizing the fact.
I believe that the remaining barriers to establishing a consensus on Geometric Calculus are
more psychological or sociological than substantive. My intention in this article is to keep
hammering away at those barriers with hope for a breakthrough.
The literature relating Clifford algebra to fiber bundles and differential forms is rapidly
growing into a monstrous, muddled mountain. I hold that the muddle arises mainly from
the convergence of mathematical traditions in domains where they are uncritically mixed by
individuals who are not fully cognizant of their conceptual and historical roots. As I have
noted before [1], the result is a highly redundant literature, with the same results appearing

over and over again in different notational guises. The only way out of this muddle, I think,
is to establish a consensus on the issues. Toward that end, I now present my own views
on the issues. I include some personal history on the evolution of my views with the hope
that it will highlight the most important ideas. I will presume that the reader has some
familiarity with the notation and nomenclature I use from my other publications.
2. What is a manifold?
The formalism for modern differential geometry (as expounded, for example, by ONeill
[7]) was developed without the insights of Geometric Algebra, except for a fragment of
Grassmanns system incorporated into the calculus of differential forms. Can the formalism
of differential geometry be improved by a new synthesis which incorporates Geometric
Algebra in a fundamental way? My answer is a resounding YES! Moreover, I recommend
the Geometric Calculus found in [5] as the way to do it. I am afraid, however, that the
essential reasons for this new synthesis have been widely overlooked, so my purpose is to
emphasize them today. Readers who want more mathematical details can find them in [5].
Everyone agrees, I suppose, that the concept of a (differentiable) manifold is the foundation for differential geometry. However, the very definition of manifold raises a question.
In the standard definition [7] coordinates play an essential role, but it is proved that the
choice of well-defined coordinates is arbitrary. In other words, the concept of a manifold is
really independent of its representation by coordinates. Why, then, is the clumsy apparatus of coordinate systems used to define the concept? The reason, I submit, is historical:
no better means for describing the structure of a manifold was available to the developers
of the concept. Futhermore, I claim that Geometric Algebra alone provides the complete
system of algebraic tools needed for an intrinsic characterization of manifolds to replace the
extrinsic characterization with coordinates. This is not to say that coordinates are without
interest. It merely displaces coordinates from a central place in manifold theory to the
periphery where they can be employed when convenient.
Now to get more specific, let x be a generic point in a m-dimensional manifold M, and
suppose that a patch of the manifold is parameterized by a set of coordinates {x }, as
expressed by
x = x(x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) .
If the manifold is embedded in a vector space, so x is vector-valued, then the vector fields
e = e (x) of tangent vectors to the coordinate curves parameterized by x are given by
e = x =



I recall that when I was a graduate student reading Cartans work on differential geometry,
I was mystified by the fact that Cartan wrote down (2.2) for any manifold without saying
anything about the values of x. This violated the prohibition against algebraic operations
among different points on a general manifold which I found in all the textbooks; for the
very meaning of (2.2) is supplied by its definition as the limit of a difference quotient:
x = lim



Certainly x is well defined as a scalar quantity, but what is the meaning of x if it is

not a difference vector, and what meaning can be attributed to the limit process if no
measure | x | of the magnitude of x is specified? I concluded that (2.2) was merely a
heuristic device for Cartan, for he never appealed to it in any arguments.
Evidently, others came to the same conclusion, for in modern books on differential geometry [7] the mysterious x has been expunged from (2.2) so e is identified with ; in
other words, tangent vectors are identified with differential operators. I think this is a bad
idea which has complicated the subject unnecessarily. It is all very well to treat differential operators abstractly and express some properties of manifolds by their commutation
relations, but this does not adequately characterize the properties of tangent vectors. The
usual way to remedy this is to impose additional mathematical structure, for example, by
defining a metric tensor by
g = g( , ) .
Geometric algebra gives us another option which I maintain is more fundamental. As has
been explained many times elsewhere, the very meaning of being a vector entails defining
the geometric product
e e = e e + e e .
The inner product defines a metric tensor by
g = e e


This has the huge advantage over (2.4) of integrating the metric tensor into algebraic
structures at the ground floor. Of course, the geometric product (2.5) is incompatible with
the identification e = of vectors with differential operators. This lead me eventually to
what I believe is a deeper approach to differentiation as explained below.
Adopting (2.5) requires that we regard e as a vector, so (2.2) and (2.3) are meaningful
only if the point x is a vector so x is a vector difference. I call such a manifold, whose
points are vectors, a vector manifold. Now this seems to subvert our original intention of
developing a general theory of manifolds by limiting us to a special case. It took me many
years to realize that this is not the case, so I am sympathetic of colleagues who are skeptical
of my claim that the theory of vector manifolds is a general theory of manifolds, especially
since all details of the theory are not fully worked out. I would like to convince some of
you, at least, that the claim is plausible and invite you to join me working out the details.
I believe the payoff will be great, because the effort has been very productive already, and
I believe the work is essential to establishing a truly Universal Geometric Calculus.
As explained in [3], I believe that skepticism about Geometric Calculus in general and
vector manifolds in particular can be attributed to the prevalence of certain mathematical
viruses, beliefs that limit or otherwise impair our understanding of mathematics. These
include the beliefs that a vector manifold cannot be well defined without embedding it in a
vector space, and it is necessarily a metric manifold, thus being too specialized for general
manifold theory. As I have treated these viruses in [3] and [5], I will not address them here.
I merely wish to describe my own struggle with these viral infections in the hope that it
will motivate others to seek treatment. Let me mention, though, that [6] contains some
potent new medicine for such treatment.
Though we want a coordinate-free theory, it is worth noting that the geometric product
(2.5) facilitates calculations with coordinates. For example, it enables the construction of

the pseudoscalar for the coordinate system:

e(m) = e1 e2 . . . em .


For a metric manifold we can write

e(m) = | e(m) |Im ,


where Im = Im (x) is a unit pseudoscalar for the manifold, and its modulus
| e(m) | = | det g |1/2


can be calculated from (2.7) using (2.6).

Instead of beginning with coordinate systems, the coordinate-free approach to vector
manifolds in [5] begins by assuming the existence of a pseudoscalar field Im = Im (x) and
characterizing the manifold by specifying its properties. At each point x, I(x) is a pseudoscalar for the tangent space. If the manifold is smooth and orientable, the field Im (x) is
single-valued. If the mainfold is not orientable, I is double-valued. Self-intersections and
discontinuities in a manifold can be described by making Im and its derivatives multivalued. This brings us back to the question of how to define differentiation without using
coordinates. But let us address it first by reconsidering coordinates.
The inverse of the mapping (2.1) is a set of scalar-valued functions
x = x (x)


defined on the manifold M. The gradients of these functions are vector fields
e = x


on M, and this entails the existence of a vectorial gradient operator = x . But how to
define it? If we take the e as given, then it can be defined in terms of coordinates by
= e ,


= e


e e = .


But how can we define without using coordinates?
Before continuing, I want to make it clear that I do not claim that vector manifolds are
the only manifolds of interest. My claim is that every manifold is isomorphic to a vector
manifold, so any manifold can be handled in a coordinate-free way by defining its relation
to a suitable vector manifold instead of defining a coordinate covering for it. Of course,
coordinate coverings have the practical value that they have been extensively developed and
applied in the literature. We should take advantage of this, but my experience suggests
that new insight can be gained from a coordinate-free approach in nearly every case.

It is often of interest to work directly with a given manifold instead of indirectly with
a vector manifold isomorph. For example, the spin groups treated in [6] are multivector
manifolds, so if (2.1) is applied directly, the point x is a spinor not a vector. In that case, it
is easily shown that the tangents e defined by (2.2) are not vectors but, when evaluated at
the identity, they are bivectors comprising a basis for the Lie algebra of the group. This is
good to know, but the drawback to working with e which are bivectors or multivectors of
other kind is that the pseudoscalar (2.7) is not defined, and that complicates analysis. The
advantage of mapping even such well-behaved entities as spin groups into vector manifolds
is that it facilitates differential and integral calculus on the manifold.

3. What is a derivative?
The differential operator defined by (2.12), where the e are tangent vectors generating
a Clifford algebra on the manifold, is often called the Dirac operator. With no offence
intended to my respected colleagues, I think that name is a bad choice!not in the least
justified by the fact that it has been widely used in recent years. Worse, it betrays a failure
to understand what makes that operator so significant, not to mention its insensitivity to
the historical fact that the idea for such an operator originated with Hamilton nearly a
century before Dirac.
Whether they recognize it or not, everyone using the Dirac operator is working directly
with functions defined on a vector manifold or indirectly with some mapping into a vector
manifold. I hold that the Dirac operator is a vectorial operator precisely because it is the
derivative with respect to a vector. It is the derivative with respect to a vector variable,
so I propose to call it simply the derivative when the variable is understood, or the vector
derivative when emphasis on the vectorial nature of the variable is appropriate. This is
to claim, then, that the operator has a universal significance transcending applications to
relativistic quantum mechanics where Dirac introduced it.
The strong claim that the operator = x is the derivative needs justification. If it is
so fundamental, why is this not widely recognized and accepted as such? My answer is:
Because the universality of Geometric Algebra and the primacy of vector manifolds have
not been recognized. When Geometric Calculus is suitably formulated, the conclusion is
obvious. Let me describe how I arrived at a formulation. At the same time we will learn
how to define the vector derivative without resorting to coordinates, something that took
me some years to discover.
The fundamental significance of the vector derivative is revealed by Stokes theorem.
Incidentally, I think the only virtue of attaching Stokes name to the theorem is brevity
and custom. His only role in originating the theorem was setting it as a problem in a
Cambridge exam after learning about it in a letter from Kelvin. He may, however, have
been the first person to demonstrate that he did not fully understand the theorem in a
published article: where he made the blunder of assuming that the double cross product
v ( v) vanishes for any vector-valued function v = v(x). The one-dimensional version
of Stokes theorem is widely known as the fundamental theorem of integral calculus, so it
may be surprising that this name is not often adopted for the general case. I am afraid,
though, that many mathematicians have not recognized the connection. Using different
names for theorems differing only in dimension certainly doesnt help. I suggest that the

Boundary Theorem of Calculus would be a better name, because it refers explicitly to a

key feature of the theorem. Let me use it here.
My first formulation of the Boundary Theorem [8] entirely in the language of Geometric
Calculus had the form
d A =

dA ,


where the integral on the left is over an m-dimensional oriented vector manifold M and
the integral on the right is over its boundary M. The integrand A = A(x) has values in
the Geometric Algebra, and = x is the derivative with respect to the vector variable x.
The most striking and innovative feature of (3.1) is that the differential d = d(x)
is m-vector-valued; in other words, it is a pseudoscalar for the tangent space of M at x.
Likewise, d = d(x) is an (m 1)-vector-valued pseudoscalar for M. Later I decided
to refer to d as a directed measure and call the integrals with respect to such a measure
directed integrals. In formulating (3.1) it became absolutely clear to me that it is the use of
directed integrals along with the vector derivative that makes the Boundary Theorem work.
This fact is thoroughly disguised in other formulations of Stokes Theorem. As far as I know
it was first made explicit in [8]. It seems to me that hardly anyone else recognizes this fact
even today, and the consequence is unnecessary redundancy and complexity throughout
the literature.
When I showed in [8] that the scalar part of (3.1) is fully equivalent to the standard
formulation of the Generalized Stokes Theorem in terms of differential forms, I wondered
if (3.1) is a genuine generalization of that theorem. It took me several years to decide that,
properly construed, this is so. I was impressed in [8] with the fact that (3.1) combined
nine different integral theorems of conventional vector calculus into one, but I havent seen
anyone take note of that since. In any case, the deeper significance of directed measure
appears in the definition of the derivative.
For a long time I was bothered by the appearance of the inner product on the left side
of (3.1). I thought that in a fundamental formulation of the Boundary Theorem only the
geometric product should apppear. I recognized in [8], though, that if d = 0 then
d = d, and, with the appropriate limit process, the vector derivative can be defined
dA .
A = lim
d0 d
This definition is indeed coordinate-free as desired, but considerable thinking and experience
was required to see that it is the best way to define the vector derivative. The clincher
was the fact that it simplifies the proof of the Boundary Theorem almost to a triviality.
The Boundary Theorem is so fundamental that we should design the vector derivative to
make it as simple and obvious as possible. The definition (3.2) does just that! The answer
to the question of when the inner product d in eqn. (3.1) can be dropped in favor of
the geometric product d is inherent in what has already been said. Those who want it
spelled out should refer to [5] or [10].
I should say that the general idea of an integral definition is an old oneI do not know
how oldI learned about it from [9], where it is used to define gradient, divergence, and curl.
The standard definition of a derivative is so heavily emphasized that few mathematicians
seem to realize the advantages of an integral definition. The fact that the right side of

(3.2) reduces to a difference quotient in the one-dimensional case supports the view that
the integral definition is the best one.
The next advance in my understanding of the vector derivative and the Boundary Theorem began in 1966 when I started teaching graduate electrodynamics entirely in Geometric
Algebra. As I reformulated the subject in this language, I was delighted to discover fresh
insights at every turn. There is no substitute for detailed calculation and problem solving
to deepen and consolidate mathematical and physical understanding. During this period I
developed the necessary techniques for performing completely coordinate-free calculations
with the vector derivative. The basic ideas were published in two brief papers which I still
consider as among my best work. The first paper [10] refined, expanded and generalized my
formulations of the vector derivative, directed integration, and the Boundary Theorem. It
was there that I was finally convinced that the integral definition for the vector derivative
is fundamental.
The second paper [11] derived a generalization of Cauchys integral formula for n dimensions. I believe that this is one of the most important results in mathematics so important
that it has been independently discovered by several others, most notably Richard Delanghe
[12] because he, with the help of brilliant students like Fred Brackx and Frank Sommen,
has been responsible for energetically developing the implications of this result into the
rich new mathematical domain of Clifford Analysis. As my paper is seldom mentioned
in this domain, perhaps you will forgive me for pointing out that it contains significant
features which are not appreciated in most of the literature even today. Besides the fact
that the formulation and derivations are completely coordinate-free, my integral formula
is actually more general than usual one, because it applies to any differentiable function
or distribution, not just monogenic functions. That has too many consequences to discuss
In these two brief papers [10,11] on the foundations of Geometric Calculus, I made the
mistake of not working out enough examples. There were so many applications to choose
from that I naively assumed that anyone could generate examples easily. Subsequent years
teaching graduate students disabused me of that assumption. I found that it was not an
inherent difficulty of the subject so much as misconceptions from prior training that limited
their learning [3].
My work on the foundations of Geometric Calculus continued into 1975, though the
resulting manuscript was not published as a book [5] until 1984. That book includes
and extends the previous work. It contains many other new developments in Geometric
Calculus, but let me point out what is most relevant to the topics of present interest. In my
previous work I restricted my formulation of the Boundary Theorem (3.1) and the vector
derivative (3.2) to manifolds embedded in a vector space, though I had the strong belief
that the restriction was unnecessary. It was primarily to remove that restriction that I
developed the concept of vector manifolds in [5]. I was still not convinced that (3.2) applies
without modification to such general vector manifolds until the relation between the vector
derivative and the coderivative was thoroughly worked out in [5]. The operator
can be regarded as a coordinate-free generalization of the partial derivative, while is
the same for the covariant derivative. Though the Boundary Theorem is formulated for
general vector manifolds in [5], and its scalar part is shown to be equivalent to Stokes
Theorem in terms of differential forms, most of its applications are restricted to manifolds
in a vector space, because its only for that case that explicit Greens functions are known.

Nevertheless, I am convinced that there are beautiful applications waiting to be discovered

in the general case. This is especially relevant to cohomology theory which has not yet
been fully reformulated in terms of Geometric Calculus, though I am confident that it will
be enlightening to do so.
For a final remark about foundations, let me call your attention to the article [13] by
Garret Sobczyk. Triangulation by simplexes is an alternative to coordinates for a rigorous
characterization of manifolds, and it is especially valuable as an approach to calculations
on vector manifolds. Garret and I talked about this a lot while preparing [5], so I am
glad he finally got around to writing out the details and illustrating the method with some
applications. I believe this method is potentially of great value for treating finite difference
equations with Geometric Algebra. Anyone who wants to apply Geometric Calculus should
put it in his tool box.
4. What is a differential form?
The concept of differential needs some explication, because it comes with many guises in
the literature. I believe that the concept is best captured by defining a differential of grade
k to be a k-blade in the tangent algebra of a given vector manifold. Recall from [5] that a
k-blade is a simple k-vector. Readers who are unfamiliar with other technical terms in this
article will find full explanations in [5]. Of course, differentials have usually been employed
without any reference to Geometric Algebra or vector manifolds, but I maintain that they
can always be reformulated to do so. The point of the present formulation is that the
property of a direction in a tangent space is inherent in the concept of a differential, and
this property should be given an explicit formulation by representing the differential as a
For the differential in a directed integral such as (3.1), I often prefer the notation
d = dm x ,


because it has the advantage of designating explicitly both the differentials grade and the
point to which it is attached. The differential of a coordinate curve through x is a tangent
vector which, using (2.2), can be expressed in terms of the coordinates by
d x = e dx


(no sum on ). Note the placement of the subscript on the left to avoid confusion between
dx , a scalar differential for the scalar variable x , and the vector differential d x for the
vector variable x. We can use (4.2) to express (4.1) in terms of coordinates:
dm x = d1 x d2 x . . . dm x = e1 e2 . . . em dx1 dx2 . . . dxm .


This is appropriate when one wants to reduce a directed integral to an iterated integral on
the coordinates. However, it is often simpler to evaluate integrals directly without using
coordinates. (Examples are given in [5].)
On a metric manifold, a differential dm x can be resolved into its magnitude | dm x | and
its direction represented by a unit m-blade Im :
dm x = Im | dm x | .


Then, according to (4.3) and (2.9),

| dm x | = | det g |1/2 dx1 dx2 . . . dxm .


This is a familiar expression for the volume element in a multiple integral, and it is
really all one needs to establish my contention that any integral can be reformulated as a
directed integral, for
1 m
| dm x | = Im
d x,
so we can switch from one integral with the scalar measure | dm x | to one with directed
measure dm x simply by inserting Im
(x) in the integrand. Of course, this is not always
desirable, but you may be surprised how often it is when you know about it!
A differential k-form
L = L(dk x) = L(x, dk x)
can be defined on a given vector manifold as a linear function of a differential of grade k with
values in the Geometric Algebra. To indicate that its values may vary over the manifold,
dependence on the point x is made explicit on the right side of (4.7). As explained in [5],
the exterior differential of L can be defined in terms of the vector derivative = x by
` = L(`
` ,
` k x )
x, (dk x) )
dL = L(d
where the accent on ` indicates that it differentiates the variable x
Now we can write down the Boundary Theorem in its most general form:
dL = L .



This generalizes (3.1), to which it reduces when L = dm1 xA. The formulation (4.9) has
been deliberately chosen to look like the standard Generalized Stokes Theorem, but it
is actually more general because L is not restricted to scalar values, and this, as has been
mentioned, leads to such powerful new results as the generalized Cauchy integral formula.
Equally important, (4.7) makes the fundamental dependence of a k-form on the k-vector
variable explicit, and (4.8) shows how the exterior derivative derives from the vector derivative (or Dirac operator, if you will). All this is hidden in the abbreviated formulation (4.9)
and, in fact, throughout the standard calculus of differential forms. A detailed discussion
and critique of this standard calculus is given in [5]. A huge literature has arisen in recent
years combining differential forms with Clifford algebras and the Dirac operator. By failing to understand how all these things fit together in a unified Geometric Calculus, this
literature is burdened by a gross excess of formalism, which, when stripped away, reveals
much of it as trivial.
There is an alternative formulation of the Boundary Theorem which is often more convenient in physics and Clifford analysis. We use (4.4) and the fact that on the boundary
the interior pseudoscalar Im is related to the boundary pseudoscalar Im1 by
Im = Im1 n ,


where n = n(x) is the unit outward normal (null vectors not allowed here). Indeed, (4.10)
can be adopted as a definition of the outward normal. We define a tensor field T (n) =
T (x, n(x)), by
T (n) = L(Im n) ,

and its divergence by

` = L(I
` .
` + L(I`n )
` n )


Im = 0 ,


The last term vanishes if

in which case, using (3.4), the Boundary Theorem can be rewritten in the form
T () | d x | = T (n1 ) | dm1 x | .


This version can fairly be called Gauss Theorem, since it includes theorems with that
name as a special case. It has the advantage of exhibiting the role of the vector derivative
explicitly. This theorem applies to spaces of any signature, including the indefinite signature
of spacetime. The effect of signature in the theorem is incorporated in the n1 , which
becomes n1 = n if n2 = 1 or n1 = n if n2 = 1.
As an application of great importance, suppose we have a Greens function G = G(y, x)
defined on our manifold M and satisfying the differential equation
y G(y, x) = G(y, x
`)`x = m (y x) ,


where the right side is the m-dimensional delta function. Let T (n) be given by
T (n) = GnF ,


where F = F (x) is any differentiable function. If y is an interior point of M, substitution

of (4.16) into (4.14) yields
F (y) = G(y, x)F (x) | dm x | G(y, x)n1 F (x) | dm1 x | .
This great formula allows us to calculate F inside M from its derivative F and its values
on the boundary if G is known.
The specific form of the function G, when it can be found, depends on the manifold. If
M is embedded in an m-dimensional vector space, G is the so-called Cauchy Kernal:
G(y, x) =

(m/2) x y
2 m/2 |x y|m


and (4.17) yields the generalization of Cauchys Integral formula originally found in [11].
The in (4.18) denotes the gamma function. The function F = F (x) is said to be monogenic
if F = 0, in which case the first term on the right side of (4.17) vanishes. It is a good
exercise for beginners to show that, in this case, (4.17) really does reduce to the famous
Cauchy integral when m = 2.
5.Spacetime Calculus
When applied to a spacetime manifold, that is, a 4-dimensional vector manifold modeling
physical spacetime, the Geometric Algebra is called Spacetime Algebra [8], and Geometric

Calculus is called Spacetime Calculus. The preceding results have many applications to
spacetime physics. Note that I did not say relativistic physics, because the spacetime
calculus provides us with an invariant (coordinate-free) formulation of physical equations
generally, and it enables us to calculate without introducing inertial frames and Lorentz
transformations among them. True, it is important to relate invariant physical quantities
to some reference frame in order to interpret experimental results, but that is done better
with a spacetime split [14] than with Lorentz transformations. An example is given below.
We limit our considerations here to Minkowski spacetime, modeled with the elements {x}
of a 4-dimensional vector space. Let u be a constant, unit, timelike vector (field) directed in
the forward light cone. The assumption u2 = 1 fixes the signature of the spacetime metric.
The vector u determines a 1-parameter family of spacetime hyperplanes S(t) satisfying the
u x = t.
The vector u thus determines an inertial frame with time variable t, so S(t) is a surface of
simultaneous t.
Let V(t) be a convex 3-dimensional region (submanifold) in S(t) which sweeps out a
4-dimensional region M in the time interval t1 t t2 . In this interval the 2-dimensional
boundary V(t) sweeps out a 3-dimensional wall W, so M is bounded by M = V(t1 ) +
V(t2 ) + W. We can use the integral formula (4.17) to solve Maxwells equation
F = J


in the region M for the electromagnetic field F = F (x) produced by the charge current
(density) J = J(x). The field F is bivector-valued while the current J is vector-valued.
For simplicity, let us enlarge V(t) to coincide with S(t) and assume that the integral of F
over V is vanishingly small at spatial infinity. Then M is the entire region between the
hyperplanes S1 = S(t1 ) and S2 = S(t2 ), and (4.17) gives us
F (y) =

G(y, x)J(x) | d4 x | + F1 F2 ,


Fk (y) =


G(y, x) u F (x) | d3 x | .


Because of the condition (4.15) on the Greens function, the Fk satisfy the homogeneous
Fk = 0 .
A retarded Greens function Gk can be found which vanishes on S2 , in which case F1 solves
the Cauchy problem for the homogeneous Maxwell equation (5.5).
Greens functions for spacetime have been extensively studied by physicists and the
results, contained in many books, are easily adapted to the present formulation. Thus,
from [15] we find the following Greens function for (5.3) and (5.4):
G(r) =

r (r2 ) =
r 0 (r2 ) ,


where r = x y and denotes a 1-dimensional delta function with derivative 0 . The

analysis of retarded and advanced parts of G and their implications is standard, so it need
not be discussed here.
Taking M to be all of spacetime so F1 and F2 can be set to zero, equation (5.3) with
(5.6) can be integrated to get the field produced by point charge. For a particle with charge
q and world line z = z( ) with proper time , the charge current can be expressed by
d v 4 (x z( )) ,
J(x) = q

where v = v( ) = dz/d . Inserting this into (5.3) and integrating, we find that the retarded
field can be expressed in the following explicit form

1 rvvr
q r [ v + r (v v)

F (x) =
(r v)3
4(r v)2 |r v| 2 r v
where r = x z satisfies r2 = 0 and z, v, v = dv/d are all evaluated at the intersection
of the backward light cone with vertex at x. This elegant invariant form for the classical
Lienard-Wiechart field has been found independently by Steve Gull.
As another important example, we show that (4.14) gives us an immediate integral formulation of any physics conservation law with a suitable choice of T (n). Introducing the
` =f


f |d x| =




f | d3 x | ,


for the region M defined above, we can write (4.14) in the form
I = P (t2 ) P (t1 )


T (n) | d2 x | ,




P (t) =


T (u) | d3 x | .


Now for some applications.

Energy-Momentum Conservation:
We first suppose that T (n) is the energy-momentum tensor for some physical system,
which could be a material medium, an electromagnetic field, or some combination of the
two, and it could be either classical or quantum mechanical. For example, the usual energymomentum tensor for the electromagnetic field is given by
T (n) = 12 F nF .


In general, the tensor T (n) represents the flux of energy-momentum through a hypersurface
with normal n.

For the vector field f = f (x) specified independently of the tensor field T (n) = T (x, n(x)),
equation (5.9) is the local energy-momentum conservation law, where the work-force density
f characterizes the effect of external influences on the system in question. Equation (5.11)
is then the integral energy-momentum conservation law for the system. The vector P (t)
given by (5.12) is the total energy-momentum of the system contained in V(t) at time t.
The quantity I is the total Impulse delivered to the system in the region M.
In the limit t2 t1 = t, the conservation law (5.11) can be written
T (n) | d2 x | ,

F(t) =


f | d3 x |


is the total work-force on the system. We can decompose (5.14) into separate energy and
momentum conservation laws by using a spacetime split: we write
Pu = E + p,


where E = P u is the energy and p = P u is the momentum of the system. Similarly we

Fu = W + F ,
where W = F u is the work done on the system and F = F u is the force exerted on it.
We write
T (n)u = n s + T(n) ,
where n s = u T (n) is the energy flux, T(n) = T (n) u is the stress tensor, and
n = n u = nu represents the normal as a relative vector. We also note that
xu = t + x


splits x into a time t = x u and a position vector x = x u. Finally, we multiply (5.14)

by u and separate scalar and relative vector parts to get the energy conservation law
= W + s n | d2 x |
and the momentum conservation law

T(n) | d2 x | .


These are universal laws applying to all physical systems.

Angular Momentum Conservation:
The generalized orbital angular momentum tensor for the system just considered is
defined by
L(n) = T (n) x .

With (4.9), its divergence is

` = f x + T ()
` x
` )


For a symmetric tensor such as (5.13) the last term vanishes. But, in general, there exits a
bivector-valued tensor S(n), the spin tensor for the system, which satisfies
` =x
` .
` )
` T ()


Now define the total angular momentum tensor

M (n) = T (n) x + S(n) .


Then the local angular momentum conservation law for the system is
` = f x.
` ()


Replacing (5.9) by (5.26), we can reinterpret (5.11) as an integral law for angular momentum
and analyze it the way we did energy-momentum.
Charge Conservation:
From Maxwells equation we derive the local charge conservation law
J = ( F ) = ( ) F = 0 .
Now write T (n) = n J and change the notion of (5.12) to
u J | d3 x | ,
Q(t) =




an expression for the total charge contained in V(t). Then (5.11) becomes
Q(t2 ) Q(t1 ) =


n J | d2 x | .




This is the charge conservation equation, telling us that the total charge in V(t) changes
only by flowing through the boundary V(t).
To dispel any impression that only the Gaussian form (4.14) of the Boundary Theorem
is of interest in spacetime physics, I present one more important example: an integral
formulation of Maxwells equation (5.2), which can be decomposed into trivector and vector
F = 0,
F =J.


Using the algebraic identity (d3 x) ( F ) = (d3 x) F , we deduce immediately from (3.1)
d2 x F = 0

for any closed 2-dimensional submanifold B in spacetime. A spacetime split shows that this
integral formula is equivalent to Faradays Law or the absence of magnetic poles, or a
mixture of the two, depending on the choice of B.
To derive a similar integral formula for the vector part (5.31) of Maxwells equation, in
analogy to (4.10), define a unit normal n by writing
d3 x = in | d3 x | ,


where i is the unit dextral pseudoscalar for spacetime, and the use of the identity ( F )i =
(F i) to establish
d3 x ( (F i)) = d3 x (Ji) = J n | d3 x |,
Insertion of this into (3.1) yields the integral equation
d2 x (F i) = J n | d3 x |,



which, like (5.32), holds for any closed 2-manifold B, where the integral on the right is over
any 3-manifold with boundary B. Again a spacetime split reveals that (5.35) is equivalent
to Amperes Law, Gauss Law, or a combination of the two, depending on the choice of B.
The two integral equations (5.32) and (5.35) are fully equivalent to the two parts of
Maxwells equations (5.30) and (5.31). They can be combined into a single equation. First
multiply (5.35) by i and use (5.34) to put it in the less familiar form
(d x) F = (d3 x) J.
Adding (5.32) to (5.36), we can write the integral version of the whole Maxwells equation
(5.2) in the form
h d xF iI = h d3 xJ iI ,
where h . . . iI selects only the invariant (= scalar+pseudoscalar) parts. I have not seen
Maxwells equation in the form (5.37) before. I wonder if this form has some slick physical



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