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Case 1

A 50 year old woman was admitted because of headache for 3 days followed by nausea and
vomitting. There is prolonged spotting with a non compliance consumption of norethisterone.
History of DM, HT and HL non compliance. At admission patient was alert with unremarkable
physical examination findings. On MRI cerebral was obtained a suspicion for venous hemorrhage in
the left posterior parietal lobe secondary to superior sagittal sinus thrombosis.
1. Etiology? Diagnosis? Management? Prognosis?
Case 2
A 80 years old man was admitted for breathlessness since 2 hours followed by giddiness sensation
on the head. There also a progressive lower back pain since 3 months with gradual onset, that felt
worse when patient lying flat, and improved when patient lean forward. No history of trauma/injury,
weakness/numbness of lower limb, incontinence of urine/bowels, involvement of upper limb, and
abdominal pain. History of MVP, chronic AF, BPH, and IBS with no medication. Patient also has liver
cyst which has increase in size from 27 mm (2010) to 53 mm (2013) with right abdominal pain
started weeks before accompanied with coughing. CT and MRI show spinal mass compressing L2-L3.

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