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Misaki Nakagawa

Sociology of Asian Americans

Professor Lee
Reflection: Proposal
The proposal assignment was for our final group presentation. This was our
groups second proposal we turned in to Professor Lee. We decided to do our
project on undocumented students. We learned that there are about 11.9 million
undocumented immigrants, and counting, in the United States. There are a number
of different categories that undocumented immigrants can be broken up to, and we
decided to focus on undocumented students since we felt that we would be able to
relate to them the most. We began by researching this topic and trying to find as
many resources we could.
This proposal was very hard for me to do because of the many choices we
had for our topic in the beginning. Although we wanted to do something that we can
relate to and be more interested in, I think that learning about undocumented
students will allow us to appreciate our education that much more. It was also hard
to make this proposal because there were many opinions going around within our
group about what to focus on and write about. There were many statistics and
stories being thrown around within our conversation that it became hard to really
understand what our true topic was. We decided that our group presentation will
focus on the different Asian groups and their motivation of earning a college degree
in the United States, the myths and realities for undocumented students, the
advantages and disadvantages of being an Asian undocumented student in the

United States, the effect of the model minority myth, the outcome/success rate, and
individual stories.

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