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Dr. E. Dwyer

Christian Gomez
Fall 2014, October

The Dream Catcher Reading Activity

Grade Level: Elementary Level English Learners
L1: Spanish
TL: English
Theme: Cultures; Family
Materials/Media: McGraw-Hill Reading Wonder Works Interactive Worktext 3
Classroom Set-Up: circular; informal; humorous
Teacher Role: Central; Reader; Reading Coach; Lecturer; Mediator
This is a simple reading activity where ESL students will be introduced to new vocabulary.

Have students open their books to the story The Dream Catcher.


Ask students about objects in their cultures that are meaningful to them (stuffed toy; blanket;
rosary;). I will tell them about my familys rosaries that they use to pray and how these objects give
some of the women in my family strength. They do not have to talk about this if they do no want to,
but they are encouraged to think about it.


Have students go through the pictures in the book and try to predict what the story is about or what
the images mean.


Have students look at the vocabulary words on page 34 and 35


Go through words with the students and encourage them to try to answer them.


Use the projector to display each word and to show them how the word is read and pronounced.


Begin reading the story and stop occasionally to ask engaging questions (also, the book has guiding
questions that can be used).


Have students write down words they dont know from the story.


After the first reading, write the students word that are new to them on the board and explain them
to the class.

10. Then, pick student volunteers to reread the story while providing corrective feedback (recast,
prompting, etc).
11. Give out index cards and ask the students to write down a vocabulary word on one side and their
definition on the other. Show them how to do it.
12. Have students stand up and read their card as they walk around the class.
13. Ask students to practice this method if it helps them memorize the words better.
14. Let students know that the next class will have a short vocabulary quiz.

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