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Exploring Number Theory Concepts and Operations Chapter 7 Ashley Ward Samantha Pallotta 7.1 Calculator Expressions and Order of Operations e Two Types of Calculator Logic- Arithmetic and Algebraic e Using Calculators to Evaluate Expressions Involving More than One Operation e Formal Order of Operations Rules Two Types of Calculator Logic- Arithmetic and Algebraic of Gg Bi @ & 8 8. If you entered this expression into a two different calculators you may end up with two completely different answers. (19 and 39) Why would two calculators give different answers for the same problem sequence? The Answer: Because there are two types of logic used in common handheld calculators. Algebraic logic calculator: will perform multiplications before additions and follow other standard order of operations conventions Arithmetic logic calculator: will perform operations as they are entered into it without regard to the standard order of operations conventions.

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