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: The Infectious Diseases Act serves the public interest by protecting public
health and the privacy of people living with HIV. Explain in more detail how the Act
protects these interests (not more than 600 words)
Blood donation and other acts by person with AIDS or HIV Infection
24. (1) Any person who knows that he has AIDS or HIV Infection shall not
(a) donate blood at any blood bank in Singapore; or
Clause 24 serves the public interest as it restricts people with AIDS or HIV infections
from donating blood, thereby safeguarding the blood bank from possible
contamination. As such, public health is protected as the safety of using the blood
bank at any time is not compromised.
Protection of identity of person with AIDS, HIV Infection or other sexually
transmitted disease
25. (1) Any person who, in the performance or exercise of his functions or duties
under this Act, is aware or has reasonable grounds for believing that another person
has AIDS or HIV Infection or is suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or is a
carrier of that disease shall not disclose any information which may identify the
other person except
(a) with the consent of the other person;
Clause 25 deals with the protection of the identity of a person with AIDS, HIV
infections or other sexually-transmitted diseases. Therefore, the privacy of people
living with HIV is safeguarded, particularly with clause 25 (1)(a), as they can choose
not to reveal their identity if they so wish to protect it. However, clauses 25 (1)(b) to
(k) seek to protect public health, by listing exceptions where people are required to
disclose the identity of a person suffering from HIV/AIDS, for example, when when
authorised by the Minister to publish such information for the purposes of public
health or public safety. (clause k)
Disclosure by Director, medical practitioner and recipient of information
25A.(1) The Director may disclose any information relating to any person whom
he reasonably believes to be infected with AIDS or HIV Infection to
(a) any medical practitioner or other health staff who has been exposed to a risk of
infection from AIDS or HIV Infection; or
(b) any first responder who has experienced a significant exposure to blood or other
potentially infectious materials of any patient.
Clause 25A seeks to protect public health as it is made to safeguard the lives and
general well-being of individuals who have a high chance of exposure to HIV/AIDS,
and therefore helps ascertain that these individuals are kept safe.

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