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Word Association Test Practice-1 by www.ssbinterviewtips.

Total Time: 15 Minutes
Time for Each Word: 15 Seconds
Note: - Sit with Pen, Paper and watch. Write the first meaningful sentence which comes in your mind
after reading the word. After writing all the sentences, evaluate the each sentence, which it shows
constructive thought and shows your OLQ Officer Like Qualities. All the best.
1. Abide 2. Baby 3. Calamity 4. Dance 5. Each 6. Face 7. Gallant 8. Habit 9. Ice10. Jack 11. Kashmir 12. Laboratory 13. Machine 14. Name 15. Oath 16. Pact 17. Quack 18. Rain 19. Sacrifice 20. Tack 21. Ugly 22. Vacancy -

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Word Association Test Practice-1 by

Total Time: 15 Minutes
Time for Each Word: 15 Seconds
23. Wade 24. Xerox 25. Eradicate 26. Ability 27. Bachelor 28. Calm 29. Danger 30. Early 31. Factory 32. Game 33. Handsome 34. Idea 35. Jail 36. Keen 37. Labor 38. Machine Gun 39. Narrow 40. Obedience 41. Padlock 42. Qualification 43. Rank 44. Sad 45. Tackle 46. Ultimate -

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Word Association Test Practice-1 by

Total Time: 15 Minutes
Time for Each Word: 15 Seconds
47. Vacate 48. Wage 49. X-mas 50. Zeal 51. Able 52. Background 53. Candle 54. Darjeling 55. Earn 56. Fail 57. Garden 58. Happy 59. Ideals 60. Japan -

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