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27/ 06 / 08

The Seeing Bartimaeus

Mark 10: 46-52

Bartimaeus, without physical sight, had the spiritual insight to recognize Jesus. As Jesus appeared,
he cried out to Jesus to have mercy on him. The crowd willed him to be silent, but with clear vision
Bartimaeus sensed the opportunity for a change in his condition. Do we in our moments of need,
who sense an opportunity for healing and wellness, cry out the more?

Jesus stood still. He paused in his journey, then called Bartimaeus to him. Jesus’ word to
Bartimaeus is instructive for us today. He did not say “Bartimaeus I heal You” even though he
sensed or knew this is what was required. Instead he says to Bartimaeus you tell me what you will
for me. In our lives it is also true that Jesus knows where we are but the contract is that we must
first ask in his name what it is we require of him.

In our story Bartimaeus put his priority up front – “that I may receive my sight”. Jesus’ response
was “Go thy way. Thy faith has made thee whole”. In that instant, spiritual insight into what is
possible became real for Bartimaeus. As always Jesus and salvation comes to us at the point of our
need, but we must act in order to receive.

I pray for the insight, the persistence and the faith of Bartimaeus.


Ashley R Cain

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