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Set A


Question 4

In the stimulus given, there are three writing problems which are spelling, wrong form
and subject verb agreement. There are several of remedial activities that can be conducted in
overcoming the problems. In the stimulus given, it can be seen that there are few spelling
problems like nite which is night and cokelat which is chocolate. Problems in spelling can
prevent the readers from understanding the written massage. In overcoming this problem,
teacher can helps the pupils by focusing on the developing of visual memories for shapes of
words. This is important because we recognize our own spelling errors usually by first noticing
that the word does not look right (Chitravelu, pg 152). As for an example, the teacher can
conduct a crossword puzzle activity. This is because, crossword puzzles are an invaluable
means for practicing spelling. In doing word mazes, students are required to locate words
hidden in the maze in a variety of positions, sideways, diagonally or bottom- to-top are also
good for helping pupils remember the spelling and shape of words. ( Chitravelu. Pg 155).
Secondly, problem in subject-verb-agreement. This problem can be overcome by
conducting a controlled writing activity. Controlled writing provides pupils to practice in writing
error-free sentences or paragraphs on a given topic. For an example is by using substitution
tables. In substitution tables, the sentence is completely controlled by the teacher and it is error
free sentence. It will help the pupils to be familiarized with the sentence form and the subjectverb agreement of the sentence. For example, in the stimulus, it good game. The stimulus
does not have any verb. By using the substitution, the teacher can teaches the pupils
grammatical rules.
Lastly, memorization of the sentence structure. It will help the pupils to be familiarized
with the essay and sentence structure. This is because, certain sentence structures are irregular
and have no explanation for it, therefore it can only be learnt through memorization. As for
example, My brother and I. In the stimulus, the pupils used I and my brother which is wrong
as it does not obey the correct sentence structure.

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