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Luis O.

Rodrguez Lpez
Use Cambria 16 point format for heading.
This sentence is keyed using Calibri, 11 point Red text.
This sentence illustrated bold, italic, and underline.
This sentence is keyed in sentence case; I APPLIED UPPERCASE TO THID [ART OF IT.
I wrote. Revert back to the previous form. I struck through back when I edited the document.
The formula is a2 + b2 = c2; I used a2 + b2 = c2.
You can grow or shrink fonts. I clicked grow twice and shrink twice.
Highlighting text calls attention to it.
Apply bold, double underline, and italic to both sentences. Note that too much formatting is not good;
therefore, I have cleared the format of this second sentence to illustrate the difference between the

Luis O. Rodrguez Lopez

Use Cambria 16 point format for heading.
This sentence is keyed using Calibri, 11 point Red text.
This sentence illustrated bold, italic, and underline.
This sentence is keyed in sentence case; I APPLIED UPPERCASE TO THIS PART OF IT.
I wrote. Revert back to the previous form. I struck through back when I edited the document.
The formula is a2 + b2 = c2; I used a2 + b2 = c2.
You can grow or shrink fonts. I clicked grow twice and shrink twice.
Highlighting text calls attention to it.
Apply bold, double underline, and italic to both sentences. Note that too much formatting is not good;
therefore, I have cleared the format of this second sentence to illustrate the difference between the

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