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The History of the Icon

The Inexhaustible Cup.

The Russian Orthodox Church glorified the Icon on May 18 (Glorified 1878) as being miraculous. The
icon is now patron of those who suffer from substance abuse and addiction and Akathists are offered
before it for such persons. On May 18 on the Gregorian Calendar, we celebrate the Miraculous Icon of
the Mother of God which has brought healing to many since its discovery. It is located in the Vysotsky
Monastery south of Moscow.
A retired soldier, Martyn Korablyov, of the Tula province (in the district of Efremov), had succumbed to
alcoholism. This was disastrous financially he spent all his pension on drink. It also brought about
alcoholic neuropathy he became practically crippled, unable to walk. One day, the man, who was in
such disorderin body, soul and material resourceshad an unusual dream. In it, a venerable elder
came to him and said: Go to Serpukhov, to the Monastery of the Theotokos. There, in the Church of St.
George, is an icon of the Mother of God called The Inexhaustible Cup. Have a moleben served before
it, and you will be healedboth spiritually and physically.
Without a penny to his name and having no use of his legs, the man did not dare to begin the journey (the
distance was about 120 miles). But the holy man came to him a second and then a third time, and was so
adamant in his admonition to obey his instructions, that the poor drunk did not dare to disobey any more,
and he set off as quickly as he could, dragging himself on all fours. He crawled on his hands and knees.
In one of the neighboring villages, where he stopped for rest and food, an old woman took him in for the
night. She gave him food and drink; then, to ease the pain in his legs, she massaged them and then put
him to rest on top of the stove (a customary place for the old or sickly because of the warmth). During
the night, the traveler felt a pleasant sensation in his legs. With great caution, lowering his legs from the
stove, he attempted to stand on them and, although they were feeble, he could stand on his legs! On the
following nights his legs became even stronger. And so, first with two walking sticks, and then with just
one, he arrived in Serpukhov. He arrived in Serpukhov and found the Monastery of the Mother of God.
Once in the monastery, he revealed his wondrous dreams to Novice Zakaria (the future Nun Elizabeth),
whose obedience was there at the St. George Church, and pressed for the serving of a moleben
(supplicatory service) to the Mother of God before Her Icon, The Inexhaustible Cup. But his request
brought all in the Monastery to great embarrassment because no one there knew of an Icon of the Mother
of God with such a name. Then a thought came: Is it not that icon which hangs in the passageway from
the St. George Church to the bell-tower or to the vestry? To the astonishment of all, on the back of that
icon was written: The Inexhaustible Cup! In the same Monastery, Martyn saw an icon of St.
Varlaam, whom he immediately recognized as being the holy elder who had appeared to him in his
dreams. From Serpukhov, Martyn departed completely healed. The news about The Miraculous Icon
spread quickly through the city, the region, and all were coming to pray before the Mother of God for
healing, and in time many came back to thank the All-Merciful Theotokos for Her speedy help. Even
those who suffered severely with the passion for alcohol, whom it seemed impossible to heal, with ease
were able to abandon the destructive alcoholic drink and return to a quite sober life bringing happiness to
their homes.

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