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10/21/2014 9:56:00 AM

Coinage you make something up out of nothing, just put sounds together
and put a meaning to it, hardly ever happens in creating language
Borrowing stealing words from other languages, English has incorporated
words from other languages and made them English words, how weve
gotten the greatest number of new words, not terribly operative in slang

Compounding / composition putting two words together to create

a new word, the most common way of creating new words other
than borrowing
Affixation (prefixation and suffixation) making a new word by
adding a prefix or suffix
Functional shift no change to form, just use it as a different part
of speech
Shortening (clipping) just taking off part of a word
Acronymy the product of this process is an acronym, UNC is an
initialism, scuba is a true acronym
Blending motel (motor hotel)

Generalization applying one thing to a everything

Specialization (narrowing) knight used to mean young boy
Amelioration connotations that surround a word get better (sick, killer),
goes hand in hand with generalization (shit, sucks)
Pejoration connotations that surround a word get worse (nocturnal lady
of the night)
Euphemism an indirect way of referring to something that is taboo

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Indirect reference
Metaphor referring to something as someone else
Metonymy identifying the referent by something thats associated
with it
Irony opposites
Cultural allusion (Frankly, I dont give a damn)
Morpheme a class of sounds that evoke the same meaning (could have vs.
couldov), minimal meaningful unit
Free morpheme can be said in silence and make sense (talk)

Mahogany one morpheme

Loves free form love, two morphemes love + ambiguous zz
(could be plural, posessive, or present)

Allomorphs variant pronunciations of the same morpheme

10/21/2014 9:56:00 AM

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