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World History

This sample for my World History class is a final exam consisting of

four essay questions over selected content that the class taught over the
semester. I was to write about the topics using as much detailed information
as I could recall in order to answer the questions. The topics included Africa,
Egypt, Mesopotamia, trade, and religion. For this final, I had to use writing
skills to organize the information into a story over the historical facts I had
learned. After the final, my teacher told me that I had put such a large
amount of information into the essays that he decided to give me extra
credit. I learned from this how to remember and apply past events in writing
to explain what happened. Also, I learned that putting extra effort into work
can result in bonuses.

U.S. History
This is sample from my U.S. History class is the final exam, which
involves writing two essays, this being the second. In each essay, I was to
write a complete summary of a topic and use an entire list of words that we
learned on the subject to incorporate them into the essay. One essay was
about the discovery of the Americas and the other was the events leading up
to and the creation of The Constitution. For this final, I had to use my
writing skills to order the information I learned from the class into an essay.
I learned how to prepare and complete a fact based essay from my memory
of the subject.

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