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Leading Minds of Governance

Date : Dec 03, 2014 - 08:30 AM

Event URL : : NACD - National Association of Corporate Directors
Venue :
Location : 109 E 42nd St ,
New York , NY , US, ZIP: 10017
Phone: 202-775-0509 |

Ticket Price:
This forum will take place on the morning of NACDs Annual Directorship 100 Gala. We encourage you to make the most of
your time in New York City and attend both events. Learn more and register for the gala here.

Who Should Attend?

This uniquely interactive forum is a must-attend event for proactive and inquisitive corporate directors and chief executives.
Those attending will gain valuable insight from fellow board members, while also having the opportunity to share their own
best practices.

Program Format
The forum will begin with a brief main stage group discussion, and quickly be turned over to participants for a hearty question
and answer session with a distinguished panel of subject-matter experts. Open dialogue is expected and encouraged
throughout the forum.


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