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CUNY's 13th Annual IT Conference

Date : Dec 04, 2014 - 08:00 AM - Dec 05, 05:00 PM

Event URL : : CUNY Academic of Commons
Venue :
Location : 899 10th Ave #623,
New York , NY , US, ZIP: 10019

Ticket Price:
Change is the new constant, but some (big) changes are more like shifts: shifts in practice and perspective;
generational shifts; shifts in procedure and position; even tectonic shifts. The City University of New Yorks
13th annual IT Conference will sum up some shifts our many changes add up to. What shifts are taking
place in the core enterprises of teaching, learning, and research? In what ways has our functioning as a
university system changed? Which changes portend more change, or more effective ways of effecting it?
As has been the case since its inception, the conference will be held at John Jay College, offering overviews
of the Universitys key IT initiatives, discussions of how technology continues to affect teaching,
scholarship, and administration, and a chance to meet with vendors. As always, proposals for presentations
are invited from the CUNY community, particularly about how tech-mediated changes can lead to important
shifts in practice.
1. What changes seem to be game-changers, shifts in the way we do things that pose new possibilities?
What changes seem to be worth shifting to, scaling up, spreading out?
2. How are we moving away from random acts of innovation and toward ways of consolidating and
disseminating effective change through collaboration? What are we doing to make effective change more
visible, more accessible, more supportable?
3. Because change is not synonymous with progress, what are we doing to make sure that the changes we
put into effect result in real gains? How are we assessing shifts in practices and procedures to ensure that we
have better outcomes, not just different procedures?
Proposals are invited for panels or presentations but also roundtables, workshops, and other interactions.

Specifying format as well as focus, each proposal should include a title, an abstract of no more than 200
words, and the name and affiliation of each party to the proposal. (Proposals are welcome from individuals
but are particularly welcome from groups that have found ways of arranging multiple perspectives on a
Submit a proposal by 9/15/14. Acceptances will be announced by the end of that month.
Event Categories : BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT CONFERENCES, Technology ,

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