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OSB standards and guide lines | Service Oriented Architecture - SOA

OSB standards and guide lines

After implementing some OSB projects I want to share some guidelines that Im using on this
projects. Like BPEL you need to have define some standard naming conventions, to make
your application maintainable, shareable and explainable to customers.
The following naming convention should be used:
Proxy services
Every proxy service should start with the PS_ prefix, followed by the functional name and
ends with a verion and release number.

End points
The end point of the proxy service should be changed to
Business services
Every proxy service should start with the BS_ prefix, followed by the functional name and
ends with a verion and release number.

Discover all the services that need to be implement for OSB. Catelog the services in a
category. This category is used as OSB project to collect the proxy services and business
services. There is one special category; common..
The structure of a category is as follows:

Common objects



OSB standards and guide lines | Service Oriented Architecture - SOA

Objects as such as XSD files, xqueries, xslt etc, that are used in more then one proxy /
business services are stored in the common category.
In OSB actions are executed in the message flow of the proxy service. Each action has a
default name. Rename each action into the following format.

For example


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