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1. Some physical objects are houses.

x (physical-object(x) house(x))
2. Every house has an owner or every house is owned by somebody.
x (house(x) y (owns(y, x)))
3. Sue owns a house.
x (owns (sue, x) house(x))
4. Peter does not own a house.
x (house(x) owns (peter, x))
5. Everyone studying in Koblenz is smart.
x (studies-at(x, Koblenz)) smart(x))
6. Everyone in the world is at least is loved by one person.
x y loves(y, x)
7. Everyone has a brain.
x person(x) has(x, brain)
8. Anyone passing his history exams and winning the lottery is happy.
x pass (x, history) win (x, lottery) happy(x)
9. Anyone who studies or is lucky can pass all his exams.
x y study(x) lucky (x) pass(x, y)
10.Bill has at least one sister.
x sister-of(x, bill)

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