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Level 2 Camera Shot exercise Evaluation

Please comment on the following

How does the Video

Compare with original

Our original intentions was to have a serious short film,

someone handing something key to the film but we went
with a more jokey sequence which suited us better.

Technical Qualities

The music that I used has suited the short film because it
builds tension and the camera work could have been better
(different angles and holding the camera steady).

Aesthetic Qualities (How

does it look?)

The sequence looks smooth and gives a lot of detail into

the film. The black and white sequence makes the
audience feel as if the person sat on the wall but it turns out
he is a bully.

Viewer Experience

Its easy to get a grasp of whats happening in the film and

its entertaining. Theres a twist in the video, you dont
expect anything violent to happen.

Narrative (is it

All of the scenes made sense as a bully gets put in his

place after trying to put someone down.

Team Contribution

I and Dan were actors in the film. Amanda came up with

most of the storyline and Calum did all of the camera work.

Overall Strengths

The overall strength of the short film is the storyline as it

has a lot of depth to it. The next strength would be the
camera work as it catches everything it needs to. We also
worked well as a team.

Areas for Improvement

(From the above)

The camera could have been held a lot more steadily as

the camera is shaking, for future reference we could get a
tripod to keep the camera still. The actors shouldnt be
laughing/holding back their laughs as it takes the
seriousness out of the clips.

If you reshot it, what

would you do differently?

The bully would get back up and react to the situation

making it a lot more interesting.

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