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Jacob Fargo
Dr. Bain-Conkin
11 November 2014

I chose to do my visual essay in a minimalist, honest video interview that forces the
reader to come to their own conclusion about the words of my peers, but while also focusing on a
major point of still-standing scientific racism. I chose to do it in this medium as it worked better
than a conventional online presentation or PowerPoint. I chose to run the clips right after one
another and give it a bare bones feel. It is initially up to the viewer to reflect on what they think
about the topic, and the people. I drew my interview subjects in with general questions, and then
give them some hard hitting ones that make both they and the viewer explore their own
subconscious views concerning pre-established thoughts on racial hierarchy and
multiculturalism. I end with a main idea that proves that the historical scientific racism is still
I got my material from my peers themselves. I interviewed four students of different
ethnic backgrounds and asked them all the same questions. Therefore the primary form of
research that I used, was that of my acquaintances minds. Their subconscious preconceived
notions regarding race were my most utilized resource. In the beginning I used minimalistic
information to just summarize what the overall argument was about. That way the general viewer
will get a good idea about what is going on. At the very end, I touched upon a single explanatory
quote by an expert in the field. This was all that was required to really unpack these interviews.
In more ways than not, the style used simply led the viewer to make his or her own conclusions.


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