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Lauren Rebuth

22 October 2014
Either-or Fallacy
In Christophe Pelletiers The Locavores Dilemma, he uses the either-or choices fallacy
to talk about locavores. What Pelletier does is simplify the arguments and problems of why
locavores way of living is not realistic. He mentions how local consumption has some value, but
he logistics of it will not work. Eating food only produced within 100 miles would lead to
shortages and high prices. What Pelletier does is list alternatives to this problem. Having
vegetables and fruits integrated into the more urban landscape would be part of local
consumption, yet not as extreme as what lovavores want. He also mentions how trade would
benefit from having one big truck carry food from all over, instead of a small truck that is local
and only half full. Pelletier states what locavores want and why it is not logical, and gives other
options to help the solution.

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