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Lauren Rebuth

ENG 101
29 September 2014


What is Diversity? Diversity is being diverse and represents many things. Michaels whole
writingfs are about the trouble with diversity.


Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others,
which are talked about in Walter Ben Michaels The Trouble with Diversity: How We Learned to
Love Identity and Ignore Inequalit.


Michaels ideas are a good use to make his point. He mentions the Great Gatsby as an example.
Mentions race and how we should celebrate it. He shows different examples of diversity.
I agree when Michael says our racial identity should be accepted and that there is a value to our
culture. I disagree when Michaels talks about how our society doesnt like to talk about things
we dont appreciate about our diversity.

Michaels topics switch very fast. He also added a lot of extra fluff words. writing is very
politically correct, using long and complicated words that should be elaborated on a little more.


Diversity is about culture and race, but is not limited to just those two alone.

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