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Stascen Honing \s ) City asa Person: - Ye gf \ y London, England / (yew - rome anip ang i tn and encompassed in its wanting glow as the refractions of light reflected off the white walls the lrg, modem spartment. Tossing the blankets asidsiting onthe edge ofthe bed with his bare fet caressing the shag ru, London eventually managed ily eve hms from jhe comforting grasp of his bed with the days fst cup often asthe pris motivation. While the tea ‘vas warming onthe stove, London readied himgef forthe new experiences yet to come. Once he was freshly cletn, shaven, and clothed, London, wearing his warm, regal blue juniper, 4 ipped his te om te TU on the leony overlooking te Thames River, onda ph a . inte tt! Upon retuming indoors, London decided ft contemplate an idee for his next best selling note. In a few hours time, he found himself in what was becoming his typical witng s22} Sst wor came on iat sien part rm he incessant ning cursor ‘messy hair from repeatedly running his hands threw it as if it would somehow form a plot for a /. new book, and an eager restlessness and impatience tha the desk could no longer confine. To ) better clegy his mind and vanquish Bis relentless writers block, London thought he ought to go \ potetipnntannatn neces Wie @ ne \. 2% Bren teh London omnes hr wre vero foms of publi tanspeaton yw : (<> tbss tx and rin he opted instead follow wherever his fet would ead him, Having lived here forthe entirety of hig twenty five years of life, he possessed an acute sense of direction and knowledge of where a ys of places were located. Additionally, the absence of cloudy, rainy, and breezy weather was uncommol here, so it sgened almost mandatory to experience ‘and appreciate the extret welcomed sunny conditions. During his walk, London was ._ enamored by the extensive cultural diversity of locals and tourists everywhere he went. ARer Yo A la ve wwovsarbel Secence atates lady & > Shannon Fleming, City as a Person: London, England viewing some of London's favorite atractions oS including Big Ben and the Eye, he called upa few of his best mates to see if they would iey méeting up in Piccadilly Circus and spend time in Leicester and Trafalgar Square. Because it was afternoon on’a Friday, most of London's mates were held up at their jobs except his best malas who said he could join London for lunch. ‘At the restaurant, the to lads shared laughs over wity jokes and sarcastic comments and caught each other up on the latest happenings in their lives. London had known Jack’since Primary school, and no one knew him quite as well as Jack. When they had finished eating, Jack hhad to retum to hig,work, and London found his way to the Underground. gen bed ates found riding the 6 enjoyable St fing along as the twain whizzed along the tracks, London's. _ Buse sion mind traveled infinite dresons His thoughts came advent Iie te pep boarding and exiting the Tube, London pondered over his plans forthe upcoming week: brunch with is GD and Dad, a movie with his mates Susan and Jim, and a play with his sister Kate. Prioritizing others in his life before himself had fashioned him into a cherished individual; however, he seul ened partlog te snc onadh Soot amoccasion, LS eg Upon reaching his destination, London made his way towards Hyde Papbywhere he found ‘an empty bench to relax and take in the picturesque scenery before him, Just as London was. ‘about to return home, he felt as though he had seen a familiar face, but quickly thereafter clearly visible, his fage widened into a grin when seeing her unforgettably lovely face. ay yo OMG vine enrolled'in King's College, London had met Charlie during the years she studied abroad. They had met in their creative writing class and remained friends ever since. Although, Shannon Fleming City as a Person: London, England keeping in touch became increasingly difficult due to her return to the states after graduation. ‘Seeing her now, London became exceptionally grateful for having found himself in this very park today. Carte, now noticing London, excitedly hurried over, hugged him, and communicated her plas to move here to continue writing for her New York Publisher overseas following the _ large success of her first book, London and Charlie walked along the park and filled each other {in on events not previously conversed to one another online. It seemed as though they talked for days in what tumed out to be solely a few hours. Realizing the night was growing late, they decided to meet up with friends Charlie hadn't seen since college. Coincidentally, they al gathered atthe quaint pub the group used to Frequent back in those days on many a Saturday night. London, reminisced about all laughs he had ‘staat in that very bar with the likes of Charlie, Jack, Susan, and the whole ot of hem, When they all finally mustered the motivation to leave the joyful occasion and return to their \ homes forthe night, London walked Charlie to her newly established home in an apartment that just so happened to be in his building on the floor above his apartment. \f¢. y u Aer the tivo said the frst of many goodnights to come, London entered his room and ‘his weary eyes, London sat at his desk and wrote Charlie hers. Before letting the night wash over cone line, the first of what would become his next best-selling novel: Hed found what hed desired without knowing het been searching” (C, lely realy. mer —thie ts « beast Ll a Sey AK t ote a =a ad Cully wn : ‘four Biction “Sw ark, 4 jo ltnxte. & LenS tpeak truly abarced y

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