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Mining Asteroids – Characterization of Apophis by Analyzing Earth’s

Meteorite Impact-Emplaced Mineral Deposits


Mineral deposits and meteorite impacts have a common genesis and Global
Impact Exploration Inc. (GIEX) is using a method to locate meteorite impacts that
are a source of commercial extractable metals on Earth, represented by GIEX’
numerous documented examples. Metals will eventually be depleted on Earth
and society will need to transit into acquiring metal resources from space.
The characteristics learned from extensive analysis conducted on terrestrial
mineral deposits/meteorite impacts to determine their suitability for commercial
extraction can be extrapolated to determine the characteristics of asteroids and
NEOs. An important reason for characterization of Apophis and other asteroids
is to determine their commercial metal content, a possible resource that is
delivered by nature to our doorstep, leading to two simultaneous benefits –
resource retrieval and technological development of NEO mitigation. If
characterization on Apophis’ 2029 approach reveals substantial metal, plans
could be formulated for possible extraction of these metals on its next approach
in 2036. Upon establishing Apophis’ metal content, viability for commercial metal
extraction would provide an incentive to the private sector and create stimulus,
funding and the necessary technology, that simultaneously could be applied to
the mitigation of NEOs. This may change the focus of space exploration from a
“destination” research-oriented scientific endeavor to a commercial scientific
endeavor, providing a return to society for money spent on space exploration.
Currently approximately $15 Billion is raised and spent annually on mineral
exploration worldwide; an eventual source of funding for space mineral
exploration and NEO mitigation. The most effective way to get public support for
space exploration is to provide a commercial incentive for exploration of the
asteroid belt, making it unnecessary to approach and rely on governments that
need to secure public support for NEO mitigation funding.

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