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Cooling adaptations allow animals to withstand a greater range of environmental temperatures than

would otherwise be possible. Animals have a number of mechanisms by which they cool themselves in
warm climates, including radiation, convection and conduction. Evaporative cooling is another efficient
means by which animals can withstand high heat by releasing it into the environment; this process is
achieved in a number of ways.
Uses of Evaporative Cooling
By panting, dogs (and other animals such as gazelles and birds) use evaporative cooling to lower their
body temperature. Some saliva on the tongue evaporates, while some cools. The saliva comes into
contact with blood vessels in the tongue, which effectively cools the blood. This cooler blood then
travels and cools vital organs.
Other Examples of Evaporative Cooling
A vulture can urinate on itself, thereby increasing the moisture on its legs. The vulture is cooled as the
urine evaporates. Birds can flutter their gular (neck) region to bring air quickly in and out of the mouth,
which increases evaporative cooling. Animals such as elephants can also increase evaporative cooling by
getting their bodies wet.
Supercooling is the process of chilling a liquid below its freezing point, without it becoming solid.
Nature of Water
A liquid below its freezing point will crystallize in the presence of a seed crystal or nucleus around which
a crystal structure can form.

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